First Name
Last Name
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Address Line 2
Cell Phone
What issues are most important to you? Please check all that apply.
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
Making health care and prescription drugs more affordable and accessible
Supporting veterans and military families
Fixing our broken immigration system
Addressing our gun violence epidemic
Reducing the federal deficit and restoring fiscal responsibility
Combating climate change
Preserving our waters, forests, prairies, and natural resources
Rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure
Strengthening our national security
Fostering diplomatic relationships with our allies
Advancing civil rights and racial equity
Modernizing and simplifying our tax code
Negotiating strategic, fair, and profitable trade policy
Getting special interest money out of politics
Increasing affordable housing options for Minnesotans
Investing in our schools, students, and teachers
Protecting and strengthening Medicare and Social Security
Promoting civility and collaboration in Congress
Protecting voting rights, our elections, and democracy
Supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs
Creating jobs and expanding workforce development initiatives
Expanding workers' rights and raising the minimum wage
Defending women's reproductive rights
Safeguarding animal welfare
Reforming criminal justice and policing practices
Ensuring families have access to childcare and paid leave
Providing comprehensive mental health and addiction care
Thanks for letting me know! Now, if I could work on just one of those issues in Congress, what would you like it to be?
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
Making health care and prescription drugs more affordable and accessible
Supporting veterans and military families
Fixing our broken immigration system
Addressing our gun violence epidemic
Reducing the federal deficit and restoring fiscal responsibility
Combatting climate change
Preserving our waters, forests, prairies, and natural resources
Rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure
Strengthening our national security
Fostering diplomatic relationships with our allies
Advancing civil rights and racial equity
Modernizing and simplifying our tax code
Negotiating strategic, fair, and profitable trade policy
Getting special interest money out of politics
Increasing affordable housing options for Minnesotans
Investing in our schools, students, and teachers
Protecting and strengthening Medicare and Social Security
Promoting civility and collaboration in Congress
Protecting voting rights, our elections, and democracy
Supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs
Creating jobs and expanding workforce development initiatives
Expanding workers' rights and raising the minimum wage
Defending women's reproductive rights
Safeguarding animal welfare
Reforming our criminal justice and policing practices
Ensuring families have access to childcare and paid leave
Providing comprehensive mental health and addiction care
Which of my Committees are you interested in learning more about?
House Committee on Small Business
House Committee on Ethics
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
Vice-Chairmanship of the Problem Solvers Caucus
How would you like to keep in touch this year?
Phone Calls
Text Messages
Social Media
Representation begins with listening, so what else do you want to share with me?
I would like a response
No response required