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Womack: “These actions would be expected from agents of the Kremlin—not American lawmakers.”

Washington, DC—January 13, 2022....Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) released the following statement after a majority of Senate Democrats failed to support warranted sanctions to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a Russian-backed initiative that will allow Putin to weaponize the European energy supply and exert undue influence in the region:

“This week, President Biden actively lobbied Congress for Vladimir Putin’s preferred outcome. Taking cues from the Administration, many Senate Democrats—in a major about-face on the issue—just granted Moscow its wish of a ‘weapon’ of power. These actions would be expected from agents of the Kremlin—not American lawmakers. Nord Stream 2 is not just a pipeline, it’s a coercive instrument that will undermine our European allies and global energy security. Granting Russia greater leverage as they amass troops on the Ukrainian border is the epitome of weakness and appeasement. The only interests protected by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle today—were those of a U.S. adversary.”

Background: Congressman Womack has long been an opponent of this Putin-led pipeline and consistently taken legislative action to stop its development. He has previously met with Ukrainian parliamentary leaders and heard firsthand about the real-world implications of Nord Stream 2, including how the completed project will undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty and security and allow Russia to continue its malign behavior. Womack has been a steadfast supporter of defense efforts and programs to deter Russian influence through the appropriations process, as well as policies advancing Ukraine’s goals of peace, freedom, and democracy.

Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) has represented Arkansas’s Third Congressional District since 2011. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
