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Bilirakis and Levin File Bill to Expand Veterans’ Access to Dental Care

April 3, 2023

Washington, D.C. – Representatives Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) and Mike Levin (CA-49) reintroduced the Veterans Early Treatment for Chronic Ailment Resurgence through Examinations (VET CARE) Act, to require the Veterans Administration (VA) to put in place a four-year pilot program providing dental care for Veterans with certain chronic health conditions. Right now, dental care through the VA is limited to those who are 100% disabled or have a direct service-connected injury.  Studies have shown that regular dental care helps alleviate certain chronic conditions, reducing overall healthcare costs. Since the VA spends most of its healthcare costs on treating Veterans with chronic ailments, like diabetes and heart conditions, increasing access to preventative dental services would help ensure a healthier Veteran population and bring those costs down.

"Our Veterans have sacrificed so much on behalf of our country; they deserve access to high quality healthcare - and that includes dental care," said Bilirakis."The VET CARE Act will get the ball rolling to expand access to dental care for our nation's heroes, and could result in lower overall health care costs for the VA.  Not only is this legislation good for Veterans, it is good for the VA as a whole.”

Our veterans deserve high-quality, comprehensive health care services, and that should include dental care regardless of service connection. This bill empowers VA to meet veterans’ dental care needs while driving down overall health care costs in the long run,” said Rep. Levin.I’m proud to reintroduce the VET CARE Act with Rep. Bilirakis and look forward to it moving forward in the legislative process. We must continue to strengthen health care delivery for veterans, and this bill adds an element that is usually forgotten about in that process.”
