Reading program hosts virtual Storytime with Santa, Adopt a Reader event

Special to the Democrat
Prior to COVID, each month when the books arrived at the centers, Kiwanians and their CKI students would go to the centers and read the new books to the children

One year ago, a partnership was formed between Kids Incorporated, the Tallahassee Kiwanis Club, the Virtual Kiwanis Club of the Big Bend and Ferst Readers.

All children enrolled at the Budd Bell Center and Brandon’s Place began receiving a free age-appropriate book and a Leap Into Books parent engagement newsletter at no cost to the families, as well as each classroom began receiving a book for their classroom libraries every month for an entire year.

This was made possible through the financial commitment by Kiwanis’ new program “Young Children: Priority One” (a worldwide initiative) which addresses the needs of children birth to 5 years old and donations by patrons of the Good Shepherd Catholic Church. 

Since COVID-19, Ferst Readers has been providing virtual story times to the Kids Inc. centers.

Ferst Readers fits the Young Children: Priority One mission because it is a nonprofit organization which provides free, age-appropriate books for children, birth to 5, and literacy resources in participating communities. This was the first year children in Leon County participated in the Ferst Readers Program, which has been in existence for 20 years, mainly in Georgia where it began, but has been in Florida for the past five years. 

Prior to COVID, each month when the books arrived at the centers, Kiwanians and their CKI students would go to the centers and read the new books to the children, which helped Kids Incorporated who is federally funded and volunteer hours assist their funding needs. During this time of social distancing, Ferst Readers has been providing virtual story times to the Kids Inc. centers.

Early literacy is vital to the future of Leon County. Research tells us, 61% of low-income homes do not have an age-appropriate book for children, even though 85% of a child’s brain and language development occurs by age 3. This means, children who do not have access to quality literature, enter school lacking the readiness skills which will enable them to learn how to read. Children without books in their home, will enter school academically behind their peers who have access to books. Having books in the home has been identified as more important than the father’s education level. 

Recently, a Community Action Team was formed and have planned three events to raise awareness and funds to grow Ferst Readers of Leon County.

Virtual Storytime with Santa is an event where children will be able to join a Zoom call with Santa and Mrs. Clause. This event will take place at 11 a.m. Dec. 19. Families who donate $36 to sponsor one child for a year will be emailed the link to join story time.

Adopt-A-Reader will be taking place in businesses around Tallahassee and online. Timberlane Arts and Dance Studio, The Mane Event Hair Salon, and Gentle Hands Playspace and My Favorite Books will host trees and ornaments in their businesses from Nov. 30-Dec. 18. Donors will commit to sponsoring one or more readers for 1 year and will receive a Ferst Readers ornament.

On Feb. 11 at 11 a.m. Ferst Readers will be hosting a virtual Lunch and Learn where businesses, civic groups and early childhood centers can join to learn more about Ferst Readers and ways to partner with us to grow in Leon County. To learn more follow Ferst Readers of Leon County on Facebook. Donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 14976 Tallahassee, FL 32317.

If you would like to volunteer with Kids Incorporated, contact Sara Boscacci at or 850-414-9800 x112.

If you would like to learn more about Kiwanis, visit the Tallahassee Kiwanis Club Facebook page.

If you would like to help Ferst Readers, contact Margaret Wright, Ferst Readers of Leon County Team Leader at Learn more at

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