December 9, 2022

Washington Update


Our armed forces are the greatest force for good and freedom around the globe. We recognize this each day, but times like this week’s 81st anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks remind us that freedom is never guaranteed. The foundational liberties we have been bestowed are secured by the collective sacrifice of those who serve us in uniform. Our common defense is so important that it is directly prescribed as a constitutional duty of Congress. It means that policies coming out of the Capitol should act as "combat multipliers." The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 meets that obligation. It’s exactly why I voted to pass the legislation. With a focus on advancing military readiness and ensuring our warfighters are equipped for all threats, it implements authorities to support a strong posture forward. Yet, our responsibility doesn’t end here. We can’t outpace our adversaries without sustained, predictable appropriations. Every stopgap measure holds our military hostage and risks national security.

Here is an overview of some of the measures included in the NDAA:

  • Stopping Biden Defense Cuts: Reverses harmful cuts proposed by President Biden and ensures our military is properly resourced.
  • Troop Pay Raise: Gives our courageous troops a pay raise.
  • Helping Military Families: Includes resources to help military families cope with record inflation, better supports military spouse employment opportunities, enhances childcare choices, and reinforces parent rights in education.
  • Countering China: Bolsters resources to improve lethality, reduces our reliance on Chinese supply chains, requires assessment of CCP influence, and implements other deterrence efforts.
  • Quicker Acquisition Timelines: Provides necessary authorities to allow procurement of critical munitions on accelerated timelines. This includes many munitions produced in Arkansas such as Guided Multiple Launch Rockets (GMLRS), Patriot surface to air missiles, and Javelin anti-armor missiles. 
  • Protecting Supply Chain: Further protects the supply chain and defense industrial base against Chinese infiltration.
  • Ending Vaccine Mandate: Rescinds the COVID-19 vaccination mandate on all active and reserve component servicemembers.
  • Backing U.S. Allies: Enhances security cooperation with Singapore and Taiwan to protect sovereignty and curb Beijing’s control over the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Supporting Arkansas Troops: Provides resources to support our troops at Ebbing, Fort Chaffee, and other Arkansas installations.
  • Nuclear Deterrence: Accelerates nuclear triad modernization, including full funding of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, at a time when China is exponentially expanding its nuclear arsenal and Russia is modernizing its nuclear capabilities at an alarming rate.
  • Helping Military Families: Includes resources to help military families cope with record inflation, better supports military spouse employment opportunities, enhances childcare choices, and reinforces parent rights in education.
  • Boosting Lethality: Invests in the tools needed to keep our troops safe, well-trained, and agile and procures critical defense equipment, including new submarines, ships, and advanced weapon systems.
  • Advancing Innovation: Emphasizes policies and programs that advance America's security against emerging threats, including artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, biotechnology, and more.
  • Border Security: Fully funds National Guard border deployment operations and requires the President to submit a report to Congress on security and law enforcement cooperation with Mexico and national security impacts of cartel-controlled areas and activities.
  • Confronting Russian Aggression: Provides weapons and lethal assistance to Ukraine to support their fight against Putin’s forcible invasion and attack of a sovereign nation.

Ready for Signature

The Big Cat Public Safety Act officially passed the Senate and now is ready to be signed into law. I’m an original cosponsor of the bill, which prohibits the private ownership of dangerous big cats like lions and tigers, works to prevent inhumane treatment, and curbs the exploitative industry of cub petting. The legislation addresses the exploitation of big cats and associated safety risks to the public and law enforcement. It’s a Third District priority. Organizations like Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas made clear that this bipartisan legislation is vital to animal conservation and the protection and wellness of wildlife. I’ve seen their rescue and rehabilitation work directly. With local and national support, I’m proud to have had a role in taking this bill from introduction to the President’s desk. Our laws should reflect the importance of stopping animal cruelty and making our communities safer. Read more here.

Army vs. Navy

It’s a privilege to serve as the Chairman of the United States Military Academy Board of Visitors. Tomorrow, one of the greatest rivalries in sports will take to the football field for a time-honored tradition: America’s game. I will be honored to be on the sidelines and be part of the spirit that Army-Navy always evokes. Though their uniforms differ tomorrow—and the game will be fierce—they will one day all serve the same mission. One, where they will defend our exceptional nation, and be willing to lay all on the line the protect the homeland. I have shared this before, but I want to reiterate one of my favorite parts of the event. At the end of the game, no matter the outcome, the day always ends on the same note. The teams turn to face the stands with the fans and sing the defeated team’s alma mater – a tradition known as “Honoring the Fallen.” They then run to the other side and sing the winning team’s alma mater. That’s why you’ll hear many folks chant “Sing second!”—because the winning team’s song goes last. The tradition is about mutual respect that goes beyond football. It tells me—that in America—you can still be fierce rivals, and, when it’s over, still stand shoulder to shoulder and be one team again. It’s a value I think we as a country need to remember some more. I can’t wait to watch the game and spend some time with Third District Arkansans from both schools. Now, I don’t want to say I play favorites—but everyone knows who I am rooting for to win. It’s nothing personal, Navy, but GO ARMY!  

I will end with a few picture highlights from the week:


I’m extremely thankful to the medical personnel dedicated to the care, health, and well-being of Arkansans. It was great seeing Andy Davis of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to touch base on priorities issues, including National Cancer Institute Designation and Graduate Medical Education.


It was a pleasure to have the Free family of Fayetteville in D.C. for a Capitol tour! We hope you enjoyed your visit and time in Washington. Safe travels back to the Natural State!


Strengthening diplomatic and defense ties with allies and stakeholders in the international community will always support our security and prosperity. I met with Parliament members of the Czech Republic to discuss the U.S.-Czech relationship, including military and security cooperation, economic ties, and foreign affairs.


The United States is a global leader, and it’s vital that we continue to use diplomacy to promote stability and democracy across the globe. I sat down with Ambassador of Portugal Francisco Duarte Lopes to talk about the ties between our nation and NATO.


I love meeting constituents and people from across the country visiting D.C. I ran into my colleague Rep. Moolenaar as he gave a tour, and I couldn’t help introducing and joining in for a bit.


We had a great legislative win with my cosponsored Big Cat Public Safety Act being advanced to the President’s desk. Although she might not be a feline, our new resident “Legislative Canine” Sadie gave some paws up on this important animal welfare news!

I will be back in D.C. next week and will keep you updated on the latest news from Washington. Wishing you a great weekend ahead! Be sure to check out my website, Twitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

And just as a reminder—Go Army!

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District


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