April 21, 2023

Washington Update

House Republicans’ First 100 Days

This week marked the first 100 days of the Republican Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. We’ve championed many conservative priorities that have demonstrated our Commitment to America, including finally reopening the People’s House, ending proxy voting, pushing back on the Biden Administration’s regulatory overreach, unlocking America’s energy potential, and much more. But we are only getting started, and our biggest challenges are ahead. I will continue to use each vote to fight for hardworking Arkansas families and the future of freedom and opportunity they want charted forward. Strong policy, superior constituent service, and upholding the Constitution remain my focus.

Protecting Female Athletes

This week, the House passed H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which I supported. Frankly, I’m at a loss as to how our nation got to the point of even having to vote on this. To me, it’s commonsense. As a fan of girls’ competitive sports, and a brother to four sisters, three of which played competitive sports, I have a problem with allowing biological men compete with women. Men and women have biological differences and to deny this blatantly takes away all the work to get where we are today in women’s sports with Title IX. It’s unconscionable that people, including every single House Democrat, could support women being pushed aside in their own sport. I’m proud my Republican colleagues and I were able to stand strong for women’s sports this week, and I will continue to be a staunch supporter of fair competition.

Getting our Fiscal House in Order

Rolling out the debt limit plan this week sent a signal to the American people that we are serious about putting a stop to runaway spending in Washington. House Republicans introduced the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 to limit federal spending, save taxpayer dollars, grow the economy and provide a responsible debt limit increase. It’s not okay to just raise the debt ceiling for the sake of raising the debt ceiling, as Democrats are proposing. That is simply not a responsible way forward. All that does is punt the tough but necessary decisions that must be made down the road for someone else to deal with. House Republicans are making these decisions right now. As I mentioned in my interview with CBS News, the best time to plant a tree is today, a better time is 20 years ago. House Republican’s proposal is the first step forward in ensuring shade for our children and grandchildren.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act has big wins for all Arkansans, and contains pro-growth, cost-saving policies to boost the economy and protect American taxpayers. It lifts the debt limit into next year, but claws back billions of unspent Covid-19 funds, gets rid of President Biden’s unfair student loan handout, and ends the Democrats’ efforts to overrun the IRS with 87,000 additional agents. The bill puts a stop to Green New Deal giveaways, and instead, includes the Lower Energy Costs Act, a House Republican bill that will unleash reliable, cleaner American-made energy, lower prices at the pump, and reduce our dependence on China. I also strongly support the work requirements, which will help more Americans get a hand up, not a handout. All of the above are good faith negotiation topics to get the ball rolling.

We also aren’t naïve, and I strive to be a rational, practical voice in Washington. I view this as a step forward, but likely not our solution. The plan is to pass it out of the House next week, but I fully expect it to come back with a lot of changes from the Senate, as well as from the President. Hopefully, we all come to the table and put partisanship aside to provide a solution that works for all Americans. As a former mayor, I've never believed defaulting on the full faith and credit obligations of our nation is the right answer. We must pay our bills, but we also must take strides in putting a stop to the financial trainwreck our nation is plummeting toward. I’ll be sure to keep you updated as negotiations progress.

Some picture highlights from the week:


It’s always great to have the Fort Smith Chamber in Washington! We talked about the FMS mission, my support of the Be Pro, Be Proud efforts, and the hard work the city is doing while continuing to engage the DOJ and EPA on the Consent Decree. It’s an honor to be Fort Smith’s advocate in Washington and I appreciate all they do for AR-3.


Keeping in close contact with top military officials is crucial. I’m thankful General Daniel Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, came by my office to discuss the National Guard’s priorities, readiness, recruiting, healthcare, and how the Guard’s many diverse and enduring missions have made positive impacts on the force.


I got to welcome Vice Admiral John Mustin, Chief of Naval Reserve, to my office this week. I heard from him on recruiting challenges, ongoing modernization efforts, and service academies. I’m always looking for ways I can better serve our American servicemen and women.


Our educators are foundational in developing the next generation of Americans. The Arkansas Congressional delegation met with the Arkansas School Board Association over breakfast this week to hear more about issues facing schools in Arkansas and find ways we can support them.


I was thrilled to have one of my former cadets from U of A ROTC meet with me! Dr. Williams is a sharp veterinary provider in the Third District, an Army reservist, and a friend of mine. We caught up and talked about the American Veterinary Medical Association’s legislative priorities.


Loved showing 8th grade students from Saint Joseph’s around the People’s House!


I took two of the winners of the 2022 Congressional App Challenge, Brannon Davidson and Jacob Steinsiek, on the Speaker of the House’s balcony.


Service Academy Day

TOMORROW: I’m excited to host two U.S. Military Service Academy Day events for high school students from the Third District! Students will have the opportunity to speak with representatives from the U.S. Military Service Academies and learn more about the application, nomination, selection, and appointment processes. Information about the Arkansas National Guard and scholarships available through local Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs will also be provided.
Invited organizations include:

U.S. Military Academy
U.S. Naval Academy
U.S. Air Force Academy
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Arkansas National Guard
Arkansas Tech University Army (ROTC)
University of Arkansas Army and Air Force (ROTC)
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Army (ROTC)

Fort Smith
9:00AM – 11:00AM CT
Southside High School | 4100 Gary Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas

2:00PM – 4:00PM CT
Rogers High School | 2300 S. Dixieland Road, Rogers, Arkansas

Art Competition

It’s almost time! My Rogers and Fort Smith offices are accepting applications for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition through Tuesday, April 25.

This nationwide contest is an opportunity for Arkansas students to showcase their creative and artistic talents. The winning submission from each congressional district will be displayed in the halls leading to the U.S. Capitol for one year.

For more information on how to apply, please visit my website here.

I will be back in D.C. next week for legislative business, but I wish you a great weekend ahead! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.


From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District


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