May 12, 2023

Washington Update

Restoring Order at the Southern Border

This week, my House Republican colleagues and I took action to restore operational control at the southern border by passing H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, on the very day Title 42 expired.

As you know, illegal immigration has been a hot topic in Washington for a long time because it has a profound impact all across America. When President Biden took office, the border crisis got drastically worse. With a swift swipe of a pen, he forced failed policies that undermined our national security, empowered drug cartels to pump deadly fentanyl throughout our nation, and made it much harder for Border Patrol agents to execute their critical mission in upholding law and order.

His policies have singlehandedly manufactured an unprecedented humanitarian, public health, and national security crisis at the southern border. In the past 2 years, there have been over 5 million border encounters. Let’s put that in context. That’s nearly twice the population size of Arkansas!

We simply can’t continue with this unsustainable status quo. Especially since the Biden administration’s decision to end Title 42 will only exacerbate the chaos. This week, we took a step in the right direction by passing H.R. 2, which aims to firmly secure the border and disincentivize illegal immigration.

Among other provisions, the bill would resume construction of the border wall, increase the number of border patrol agents and provide bonus pay, end catch and release, and reform and streamline the asylum process.

I do want to make it clear that I’m glad so many people from around the world view America as a beacon of hope and as a place known for freedom and opportunity. If Senate Democrats and President Biden come to their senses and take up H.R. 2, we can preserve the precious American dream, while protecting the American people. The perfect can’t get in the way of the good, especially when our nation so desperately needs a solution.

Tune in: This week, I joined a podcast called Straight Talk to do just that – give it to you straight. Brendan and I talked mostly about the border crisis and H.R. 2, but also the importance of getting our fiscal house in order. Listen here.

Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud

The House passed another bill, this time with bipartisan support, to protect taxpayers and victims of unemployment fraud. This legislation takes aim at incentivizing states to recover fraudulent unemployment payments, improving program integrity to prevent future fraud, and extending the statute of limitations for prosecuting fraud.

Hardworking taxpayers are on the hook for up to $400 billion in fraudulent unemployment insurance (UI), which purpose was for people displaced by the pandemic. My Democrat colleagues previously rejected reforms that would have bolstered protection, in turn, making the program even more vulnerable to fraud. Only about $5 billion has been recovered. This is unacceptable. I’m proud my colleagues and I took charge and passed a bipartisan bill to protect taxpayer dollars and recover potentially billions of stolen UI benefits intended for the American people.

Some picture highlights from the week:


My friends in the Arkansas Congressional delegation welcomed the Arkansas Chamber of Congress to Washington for their 63rd annual fly-in and gave a D.C. update. It’s important folks back in AR-3 get an honest, inside look into what's happening in Washington. Read more about my speech from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette here.


The Arkansas Realtors were also in town this week. It was great to catch up with them on a beautiful evening at the Nationals ballpark.


On Tuesday, I had an impactful conversation with members of the National Brain Tumor Society about how Congress can support their mission in finding a cure.


This morning, I had the honor of introducing my friend Congressman Jodey Arrington, Chairman of the House Budget Committee, to the Arkansas Chamber of Congress! He spoke on the importance of getting our fiscal house in order.


It was an honor to welcome Bahrainian Ambassador Shaikh Abdulla R. Al Khalifa to my office. Our nations have a long-standing relationship, and we shared ways we can work together to continue to grow this friendship.


The agriculture industry is near and dear to the Natural State. It was great to have Ashley Swaffar (AR-3’s own!) and Peter Mihalick with the Organic Trade Association come by the office to discuss the upcoming Farm Bill.


It’s always a joy to show my fellow Americans around the People’s House! Thank you to the Milam family for visiting.


Glad to welcome Fayetteville-based land title business owners to my office. They work hard to support their customers across AR-3.


Mobile Office Hours

My priority in Congress is to make sure the people of Arkansas’ 3rd District are taken care of, which is why my district offices focus on constituent services and casework. I understand many of you may not always have the time to travel to Rogers or Ft. Smith, so my staff is coming to you in May to help with issues regarding the IRS, the VA, or anther federal agency:

Bella Vista

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

11:00AM – 1:00PM CT

Bella Vista Public Safety Building | 2483 Forest Hills Blvd., Bella Vista, AR 72715


Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all the fantastic mothers across Arkansas’ Third and the nation, especially my own!

I will be back in D.C. next week for legislative business and I wish you a great weekend ahead! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District


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