January 19, 2024

Rundown from Washington

Averting a Government Shutdown—again

This is now the third time this fiscal year we’ve passed a short-term spending fix—or a continuing resolution (CR)—to buy us time to complete full-year appropriations. This is not how Congress is intended to operate.

I’ve been clear with you before, and I’ll be clear with you again—CRs are a bad thing. They are the sad reality of both the broken budget process and a divided government. But shutting down the government would have been the only other option, and I refuse to let that be the answer. Threatening the pay of our men and women in uniform, veterans’ benefits, important resources for Customs and Border Patrol officers at the southern border, and a host of other necessary programs is reckless and irresponsible. Completing full-year appropriations should be our goal. I voted to extend current funding levels to buy the time necessary to finish FY24 Appropriations because that was the only practical outcome.

Take a listen to this week’s Comment from the Capitol HERE, to hear more about my vote and the importance of getting full-year appropriations done. There are many million-dollar projects directly for Arkansas’ Third—things like funding for roads and bridges, and Fort Smith’s Foreign Military Sales mission—that are dependent on full-year appropriations.

Protecting the Unborn

Today, thousands of people from all across America came together to stand up for the voiceless unborn in the March for Life in Washington, DC. On Sunday, Arkansans will do the same at our state Capitol.

We are united in the deeply held belief that life is a precious gift worth protecting. It’s our moral obligation to defend the innocent and the sanctity of life.

In Congress, I am steadfast in my commitment to uphold these pro-life values by supporting legislation, blocking the removal of pro-life policies, and prohibiting taxpayer dollars from funding abortions.

I’m honored to receive an A+ rating from the Susan B. Anthony List for my strong pro-life legislative record. You can read about the ways I’ve defended life in Congress here.

Miss America Madison Marsh!


I've had the pleasure of seeing Madison Marsh grow up over the years and become the incredible young lady she is today, from our very first conversation at Southside High School to now being crowned Miss America 2024!

Click HERE for my House floor speech congratulating Madison on this unbelievable accomplishment. I know her story will inspire young women in Arkansas’ Third and across America.

Picture highlights from the week:


As a Defense Appropriator and the Chairman of the West Board of Visitors, one of my jobs is to make sure West Point remains the nation’s preeminent leadership development institution for producing the next generation of top-tier Army leaders. But what drives my work is my commitment to those cadets. A highlight of my week was welcoming the USMA women’s basketball team to Washington—we visited over lunch, I showed them my office, and then took them on a tour of the Capitol and Supreme Court. These bright young women are impressive on all accounts, from their work in the classroom to competing at the Division 1 level, and most importantly, their steadfast commitment to serving our country. I had a great day with them, and I look forward to cheering them on as they take on Navy tomorrow morning! Go Army, Beat Navy!


A star on the team is Carlee Casteel of Arkansas’ Third! Carlee is from Rogers and is a former Rogers Heritage War Eagle. She is in her first year at West Point and has been doing an incredible job! She has the highest GPA on the team and is on the Dean’s List, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!


The auto repair industry has a tremendous economic impact in Arkansas and throughout the country. It was a pleasure to have FleetPride, a member of the Auto Care Association with branches across Arkansas’ Third, to discuss issues important to vehicle owners and technicians.


Congratulations, Coach! My good friend Clay Reeves, Greenwood High School women’s basketball coach, won his 800th game last night! The Lady Bulldogs are currently #3 in the state. Coach Reeves has coached for 36 years and won a combined 10 state titles at Greenland and Greenwood. I’m incredibly proud of my friend on this remarkable milestone. I look forward to continuing to cheer on the Lady Bulldogs as they go for the state title!

Looking ahead

I hope Congress can get our act together and pass full-year appropriations before we reach our next deadlines—March 1 and March 8—so we don’t keep kicking the funding can down the road.

I also hope we begin important discussions about how we truly fix the broken budget and appropriations process, which has failed the American people for far too long. Placing blame for our nation’s $34 trillion debt on discretionary spending is intellectually dishonest. We waste time in Congress squabbling over roughly 27% of total federal spending instead of trying to fix the true drivers of our deficits and debt—mandatory spending, which takes roughly 73% of the federal spending pie.

My colleagues must come to terms with this so we can make responsible and practical changes. We must support hardworking Americans while reining in our deeply concerning national debt.

I look forward to being back in Arkansas next week. I hope to see you around! Have a great weekend ahead, and be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime!

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District

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