February 16, 2024

Week in Review

Crunch Time

This week, the House passed some solid conservative wins, which I highlight below. However, we failed to make any progress on looming deadlines of must-pass legislation:

  • FY24 Appropriations: 4 of the 12 appropriations bills expire on March 1 and the other 8 expire on March 8. These bills are required to keep the government open and functioning for the American people. Without passage of these bills, harmful impacts will be felt across the nation.
  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA): The legislation we’re supposed to vote on this week, the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act, is intended to reform FISA to increase transparency and oversight to protect Americans’ privacy rights. Importantly, it includes a reauthorization of FISA Section 702, a critical national security tool that saves American lives. FISA Section 702 expires on April 19.

The House doesn’t return to Washington until February 28, putting us on the brink of a partial government shutdown and inching closer to the FISA reauthorization deadline. Listen to this week’s edition of Comment from the Capitol to hear some inside baseball as to why the House failed to move forward on this pressing situation we’ve found ourselves in, HERE.

Holding Secretary Mayorkas Accountable

The House successfully impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday night, in a tight 214-215 vote. I supported this measure.

To be clear, impeachment isn’t something I take lightly. It’s the most powerful tool in Congress’ toolbox. But after 10 hearings and over 400 pages of reports, the House Homeland Security Committee concluded that Secretary Mayorkas committed high crimes and misdemeanors—meeting the bar of impeachment—by refusing to comply with laws passed by Congress and breaching the public trust.

After all, Secretary Mayorkas has deliberately failed to do his core job of protecting the homeland, putting our national security in jeopardy. Since President Biden assumed office and nominated Secretary Mayorkas, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reported around 8.5 million illegal immigrant encounters, in addition to roughly 1.8 million gotaways, and migrants from over 230 countries were arrested in the past year. Furthermore, since fiscal year 2021, 294 people on the terrorist watch list have illegally entered the United States.

It's evident that Secretary Mayorkas is at the root of this chaotic and dangerous border crisis. I voted to impeach him because he’s completely refused to comply with the law and breached the sacred public trust conferred on leaders of our Republic, putting American lives at risk.

Stopping Biden’s Dangerous LNG Export Ban

American families continue to struggle under high energy costs, and our nation already relies too heavily on our adversaries for our energy needs. President Biden’s decision to halt approvals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports will only make things worse.

Previous studies show that American LNG exports are a net public benefit because they protect global energy security and create American jobs—all while reducing emissions to protect our environment. President Biden chose to double-down on his Green New Deal agenda, which is simply out-of-touch with the immediate needs of America.

Last week, I sent a letter to President Biden demanding that he immediately reverse this decision. This week, the House the House echoed that sentiment by passing H.R. 7176, the Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act.

This bill puts a stop to the Biden Administration’s ban on LNG exports and streamlines the permitting process by getting rid of the requirement for the Department of Energy to authorize exports and giving the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission total authority over the approval process.

We should be unleashing American energy production and providing our allies with a secure energy source, not making it harder to produce by adding permitting red tape, threatening our energy and national security, and killing American jobs. I will continue to support ways to unleash the abundant energy sources we’re blessed to have right here in America.

Picture highlights from the week:


Homes for Our Troops—an incredible organization that builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured, post-9/11 veterans—is building a home for Army Sergeant Andrew Butterworth in Pea Ridge. I had the honor of speaking at the kickoff event in a room full of courageous veterans. Sergeant Butterworth’s story is one of a true American hero—he lost his leg and sustained a traumatic brain injury while on patrol in Northern Iraq. America is indebted to him for his service, and the support from Homes for Our Troops is just one way to display our immense gratitude. Pea Ridge is welcoming Sergeant Butterworth, his wife, and 3 kids with open arms!


Investing in our nation’s research and healthcare saves lives. I met with the Epilepsy Foundation’s Public Policy Institute to hear firsthand from Arkansans about their families’ experiences and challenges they face due to epilepsy. My next meeting that day was with CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen—so we all took a photo together! In my meeting with Dr. Cohen, she shared with me priorities of the CDC and how they plan to continue to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.


Some more Arkansans in the medical industry came by my office! Members from the Community Health Centers of Arkansas discussed with me workforce issues and telehealth priorities. They were kind enough to present me with an award for my vote in support of the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act! This important legislation extends programs that support health centers and their workforce.


My good friend and Chief of Staff of the Army, General Randy George, stopped by to say hello! Just last month General George was in Arkansas’ Third with Senator Boozman and me to show him what Fort Chaffee has to offer. He personally understands the important role our district plays in our national security and strengthening our military forces. It was great to catch up!


Summer Internships

Are you or someone you know looking for a fun and enriching summer in either DC, Rogers, or Fort Smith? Come intern for me!

All my offices are in search of highly motivated college students and recent graduates who are interested in learning more about the federal government and the inner workings of Congress.

As an intern, you will learn about the issues affecting Arkansans and citizens across the nation by corresponding with constituents, assist my legislative team in researching bills, handle casework, and observe the legislative process firsthand. 

The deadlines in each of my offices are quickly approaching:

  • Washington, DC: Thursday, February 29
  • Rogers, AR: Friday, March 8
  • Fort Smith, AR: Friday, April 5

For more information and to apply, please visit my website here.

Congressional Art Competition

My office is accepting submissions for the 2024 Congressional Art Competition, which is hosted in Congressional districts nationwide. The overall winner of the Arkansas’ Third District competition will get to visit Washington and have their winning piece hang in the halls of the U.S. Capitol for a year!

I encourage all AR-3 high school students to participate! For more information, please visit my website here.

The deadline for applications to be submitted to either my Rogers or Fort Smith offices is Monday, April 15!

I look forward to spending next week doing my favorite thing—visiting with the great people of Arkansas’ Third! Have a great weekend ahead, and I hope to see you around! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District

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