March 1, 2024

Week in Review

It felt like déjà vu in Congress this week. Except this time, I see some light at the end of the tunnel.

We cleared yet another continuing resolution, or CR, that temporarily extends FY23 funding to March 8 and March 22. This is now the fourth time Congress has had to pass a CR in FY24 because we’ve continued to punt on our fundamental duty of funding the government for five months now. I’m disappointed in Congress’ failures, and frankly, America deserves much better.   

Another CR was regrettably necessary to responsibly avoid a harmful government shutdown and protect hardworking Americans, veterans, and our troops. Besides interrupting critical operations, government shutdowns are also expensive—they cost, not save, taxpayer dollars and never provide negotiating leverage. Importantly, projects in Arkansas' Third, including the FMS mission in Fort Smith, the Greenwood Bypass, improvements to the I-49/412 Interchange, and much more, depend on our progress. 

To be clear though, I am not a fan of CRs in the slightest. They’re the disappointing reality of our broken budget process, something I’ve worked hard to fix during my time in Congress. But Arkansans shouldn’t have to suffer the devastating consequences of a government shutdown. Passing the CR yesterday was necessary to avoid a shutdown. 

Also, this move will keep us on track to pass full-year appropriations this month. That’s why I’m optimistic. The House and Senate have come to an agreement on six appropriations bills, which we plan to consider and pass next week. We hope to pass the remaining six the following week.

Listen to this week’s Comment from the Capitol HERE, where I explain what important Third District projects are within these appropriations bills, and what I think about Congress’ plan moving forward.

Picture highlights from the week: Washington, DC


It’s always great to hear about how the legislation we pass in Congress is a true difference-maker for folks back home in Arkansas. The House recently passed the Tax Relief for Workers and Families Act, pro-growth legislation I strongly support, that directly impacts architects in our district. Arkansans from the American Institute of Architects shared with me how vital a provision within the tax bill is for them—it allows for immediate research and development expensing. It was great to catch up and hear what they’re working on back home!


As a former Arkansas Army Guardsman, issues that are important to the Guard are also important to me. I met with the Enlisted Association of the Arkansas National Guard to talk about manning and equipment needs, healthcare, and educational benefits for guardsmen. As a senior member on the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, I keep these issues top of mind. 


The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program invites students from countries across the globe to live and study for one academic year in the United States. Omar Ghalayini, who is originally from Lebanon, is living with his host family and going to Har-Ber High School in Springdale! It was great to catch up with him and hear about his experience living in Springdale so far. Through the YES Program, students like Omar are able to see how our government operates.


Madhav Shroff with the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation came to discuss the work they do supporting nonprofits and securing grants for organizations and communities in Arkansas. Their work helps Arkansans receive quality education and enhance their quality of life. Foundations like this are part of what makes the Natural State special.  


Lieutenant General Michael Loh, the Air National Guard Director, and Lieutenant Colonel Heath Allen, Strategic Analyst, Director of the Air National Guard Action Group, met with me to talk about the readiness of the 188th Wing and Ebbing Air National Guard Base’s FMS mission. We also talked about the impacts a continuing resolution has on the National Guard and Reserve Equipment Appropriation and Ebbing’s FMS mission. Fixing our budget and appropriations process is important for our country, particularly for our military and national security. 

Picture highlights from the week: Arkansas’ Third


UL Solutions’ investment in Arkansas’ Third demonstrates the hard work to grow our region's economy is paying off! It takes teamwork—when I was Mayor of Rogers, my job focused on helping things like this happen. It requires everyone to get on the rope and pull in the same direction. I was honored to join the ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new Retail Center of Excellence. The testing done here will help increase product innovation and create safer goods for consumers worldwide while boosting our local economy!


A highlight of my week was visiting with folks at the Rogers Rotary Club! Thanks to my good friend Dick Trammel for having me. I spoke about the importance of passing full-year appropriations. It’s our fifth month without a budget—these Rogers business leaders would never try to do this. I talked about what that means for projects in our community by going through each district-specific project that we have in these appropriations bills. As I mentioned in my Comment from the Capitol, these projects depend on Congress getting our act together. We sure could use some Rotary values in Washington!


Ferra Aerospace is a top-tier advanced machining and complex assembly company with a manufacturing facility in Rogers. These hardworking people work every day to advance our national security interests, and I made sure to thank them for that. In Congress, job number one is to provide for national defense, and they help us achieve that goal. I appreciated having the opportunity to see their work firsthand.

In a similar vein, Swarm Aero, an aviation and aerospace component manufacturing company, shared some exciting news today--they've selected Northwest Arkansas for their manufacturing site for crewless military aircraft! I can’t say I’m surprised by their decision. Northwest Arkansas has an excellent workforce, quality airspace, and abundant business opportunities. Companies in AR-3 like Swarm Aero and Ferra Aerospace will be game-changers for the country’s defense capabilities while further enhancing Arkansas’ role in bolstering America’s national security. Read more about this exciting news from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, here!


I was glad the House wrapped up our work for the week yesterday, so I was able to spend the day in the River Valley! I started off at Fort Smith Chamber’s First Friday Breakfast and highlighted all the exciting economic development happening in the region—from Mars Petcare to ACHE and the I-49 extension. Fort Smith is ground zero for growth and opportunity! 


It was great to be in Bulldog Country! We celebrated the groundbreaking of the Greenwood Bypass—a game-changer for Greenwood (the second largest city in Sebastian County) as many residents commute to nearby Fort Smith (the third largest city in Arkansas). I gave a special thank you to the family of James “Doc” Burgess for the land donation—ArDOT is naming the bypass after Doc’s son, Trey! Arkansas voters made this possible, too, by passing Issue 1 to give me the power at the federal level to pursue funds for the project. This is one of the projects I’m working on securing funds for in FY24 appropriations. In just a few short years, when the project is complete, it will give Greenwood High School Bulldog coaches a quicker way to get the teams they’ve beaten out of town! 


On the way to Greenwood, I made a stop to see Dr. Sandy Johnson and her team at Johnson Dermatology. I thanked them for their commitment to keeping Arkansans healthy!


I stopped by to visit Michael Barr with Weather Barr Windows and Doors to see the recently completed $10 million expansion. This business has been owned and operated by the Barr family for 90 years! I’m proud to see family businesses flourish in the River Valley.

Have a great weekend ahead, and I hope to see you around! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District

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