April 12, 2024

Week in Review

Protecting Americans from Foreign Threats

Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation critical to keeping each and every American safe—the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America (RISA) Act.

This bill’s sole focus is to gather intelligence on foreign adversaries who intend to hurt Americans. We use this authority to foil terror plots, mitigate cyberattacks, and stop weapons of mass destruction from reaching bad actors. Without our extension today, American lives will be at grave risk. On top of renewing this critical provision, we approved the largest reform to the broader Foreign Intelligence Security Act (FISA) and the FBI in a generation—with over 50 reforms to ensure there’s less potential for abuse.

There’s been a lot of misconceptions and confusion surrounding what this legislation does, and what it doesn't do. I encourage you to tune in to this week’s edition of Comment from the Capitol (HERE) to hear it straight from me. I break down why FISA reauthorization is so vital in protecting Americans from foreign threats, and why it was initially stalled in the House.

Chairman Womack: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee

I have some exciting news to share! I am now the Chairman of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Subcommittee—one of the 12 subcommittees of the powerful Appropriations Committee.

If you remember, starting in January of last year, I was Chairman of the Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Subcommittee on Appropriations. With Rep. Kay Granger stepping down from her post as Chair of the Appropriations Committee, my dear friend Rep. Tom Cole assumed her position, leaving the THUD chair vacant. 

Although FSGG Chairman was a fantastic role, I am eager to step into this new position because it potentially has the most impact on our state, and particularly our district. I will have a direct hand in providing the vital infrastructure, transportation, and housing needs in Arkansas’ Third and across the country while safeguarding your hard-earned taxpayer dollars.

As a former mayor, I understand how my leadership on this subcommittee will impact the safety, economic opportunities, and quality of life for each Arkansan and every American. I take this duty very seriously. 

I look forward to getting started on Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations, and delivering results to Third District Arkansans that will appear on our roads, bridges, and infrastructure projects throughout the region! 

Promoting Health in Northwest Arkansas

I started the week off at home in Arkansas, where I was honored to welcome CDC Director Mandy Cohen, to showcase the excellence happening in our corner of the Natural State! 


Tour of Bentonville Head Start and Early Head Start


Visiting with staff and students at Bentonville Schools Ignite Professional Studies Program


Visiting with members of the Walmart Health team


Roundtable with local healthcare organizations and members of Our Healthy Alliance


Viewing the Solar Eclipse!

Federal investments through CDC grants foster economic growth, promote health, and enhance quality of life in communities across the country, including right here in Arkansas’ Third. I’m grateful Dr. Cohen chose to visit our region and was able to witness the incredible work of our local health providers in action!

Picture highlights from the week:


Arkansans who are members of the Alzheimer’s Association came to discuss legislation supporting Alzheimer’s research, awareness, and care—things I’m supportive of that are funded through appropriations bills. Investing in our health now saves taxpayer dollars later, gives patients better quality of life, and supports families and caregivers.


I was honored to meet with Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Randy George and Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth ahead of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday. We discussed the Army’s FY25 budget request. As a senior defense appropriator and Chairman of the West Point Board of Visitors, resourcing the U.S. Army to train, fight, and win is a top priority of mine.


Fayetteville High School senior Harrison Henry, who is bound for the Naval Academy, was my guest at the Army hearing. Gen. George had a little fun with Harrison by covering his USNA T-shirt! I’m proud of Third District Arkansan students who answer the call to serve. Nominating these future military leaders to our service academies is one of my greatest honors as a congressman.  


Members of the Arkansas Independent Insurance Agents came by to discuss legislation, including a bill I cosponsor called the Main Street Tax Certainty Act. This bill would permanently extend Section 199A of the Internal Revenue Code, which is a critical pro-growth tax policy that ensures small businesses continue to have tax parity with corporations, which strengthens main streets across the nation. As always, I appreciate the visit and our continued work together to support businesses across the Natural State!


Kristin and Abby from Arkansas Access to Justice stopped in to say hello! We discussed their work to provide legal aid for low-income civil cases. Thanks for the visit and for all you do for people in our community and across the state!


Ensuring folks can find affordable housing is important to our state, particularly in the high-growth areas like Northwest Arkansas. My colleague and friend Rep. Bruce Westerman and I heard from members of the Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials on ways to streamline programs and find potential solutions.  


My former military fellow, Tom Dickson, was promoted from the rank of Captain to Major! I’m incredibly proud of him, and it was an honor to be the presiding officer of today’s ceremony. Congratulations, Major Dickson!

I will be back in Washington next week for legislative business. Have a great weekend ahead, and I hope to see you around! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District

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