July 12, 2024

Update from Washington

Prioritizing America’s Transportation and Housing Needs

Big news! My Transportation, Housing and Urban Development bill passed the House Appropriations Committee this week. The bill:

  • Carefully allocates resources to the most critical missions at the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development while meeting our responsibility to rein in spending with a reduction of 7.3% below Fiscal Year 2024.
  • Prioritizes the safety of all modes of transportation, from our railways to roads and airways.
  • Ensures a responsible safety net with housing support for our most vulnerable citizens, as well as the elderly, disabled, and veterans.
  • Protects taxpayers, truckers, and consumers from the Left’s hyper-regulatory agenda, over-the-top spending, and pacing threats from Communist China.
  • Secures funding for 10 projects within Arkansas’ Third District that will facilitate the growth in our community!

As a proud former mayor, I understand how the numerous wins in this bill impact communities nationwide, particularly in the great state of Arkansas.


Chairman Tom Cole of Oklahoma charted an aggressive course, allowing us to pass all 12 appropriations bills out of committee in record time, each thoroughly debated and advanced through the committee process. Each bill meets the needs of our nation and achieves fiscal responsibility. However, our work is far from over. We will continue our work to get these bills through the House and signed into law!

Advancing Conservative Priorities

I’m pleased to see the House pass legislation this week to advance our conservative agenda. Read below!

The SAVE Act

The cornerstone of democracy is the ability to freely and fairly choose leaders. A government "by the people" isn’t achieved if noncitizens vote and interfere with elections. I joined my House Republican colleagues in passing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which amends the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 to require individuals to provide in-person proof of United States citizenship to register to vote in federal elections.

Nearly 5 million illegal aliens have been released into the United States, with about 2 million known “gotaways,” since President Biden took office. Now more than ever, we must close NVRA’s loophole to secure the integrity of our elections.

Voting in U.S. elections is a foundational privilege of being an American citizen and must be protected.

Protecting Women’s Sports

In April, the Biden Administration announced its final Title IX rule that would remove female-only spaces such as locker rooms, bathrooms, and other sex-separated areas while also allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports. This threatens to erase decades of progress for women and girls across America.

This week, House Republicans passed a resolution to block this final Title IX rule so that educational institutions can continue protecting the safety of women and girls and their access to academic and athletic opportunities.

Let’s be clear--denying the biological differences between men and women creates an unfair playing field. As a fan of women’s competitive sports and a brother to four sisters, I was especially proud to support this cause.

Protecting Consumer Choice

President Biden’s hyper-regulatory agenda impacts Americans’ way of life—even when it comes to choosing what household appliances are best for your family. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) efficiency standards aim to shut down the use of natural gas and force electric appliances on the American people, regardless of cost, performance, or availability, putting their radical Green New Deal agenda before the needs of hardworking Americans.

We passed both the Refrigerator Freedom Act and the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act to prevent the Secretary of Energy and the DOE from implementing new or amended energy efficiency standards that are not technologically feasible or economically justified.

President Biden and Washington bureaucrats’ overreaching rules take away consumer choice, raise costs for families, and hurt small businesses. I’m proud we passed legislation to keep government agencies out of your home!

Comment from the Capitol


In my weekly audio report, I featured Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Phill Swagel this week to discuss the CBO's role and timely issues that we all should be paying attention to, such as an upcoming report of costs associated with the crisis at the southern border and President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan.

Click HERE to tune in!

Picture highlights from the week:


It was great to catch up with my friends at the Arkansas Farm Bureau this week. We discussed the Farm Bill and issues impacting America’s producers. I also updated them on tornado recovery efforts to ensure agricultural production is back up and running steady in Arkansas’ Third. Farmers and ranchers feed our nation and fuel the economy. Making sure their needs are met is a priority of mine in Congress.


Our educators mold the minds of America’s future. I had the honor of meeting with the Superintendent of Springdale Schools, Dr. Jared Cleveland, about issues affecting our local schools, teachers, and students in Arkansas. I’m always eager to help our educators in their mission of preparing our next generation of leaders.


A highlight of my week was meeting with some of our future Army leaders! Eleven West Point Cadets who are part of a program to teach cadets how to identify and apply the most effective language and communication techniques as future leaders, visited with me this week. I shared with them my experience as an officer in the Arkansas Army National Guard and how it has translated to my service in the House of Representatives. As always, Go Army!

District Internship Applications


Calling all college students and recent grads—my Rogers and Fort Smith offices are looking for FALL 2024 interns! The deadline to apply is Wednesday, July 17. To learn more and apply, please visit my website HERE.

Have a great weekend ahead, and I hope to see you around! Be sure to check out my websiteTwitter, and Instagram pages in the meantime.

From the front...

Congressman Steve Womack
Arkansas Third District

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