News from Congressman Andy Biggs


The Week in Review

Happy Friday!

I spent my week back in Washington as the House was in session. It was a very busy week, so I hope you’ll read below to learn about the important happenings:

Defending Arizonans’ Second Amendment Rights

This week, I voted against the House Judiciary Committee’s advancement of the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2021, which would ban the sale, import, manufacture, or transfer of most American firearms. 

Rather than address the bona fide root causes of mass shooting violence--including the destruction of the American family unit, mental health, or bureaucratic hurdles for law-abiding gun-owners--Democrats exploited the heightened emotions of a grieving nation to push through their radical, anti-Second Amendment agenda. This legislation is a reactionary move that will not reduce violent crime or the likelihood of mass shootings. 

I will never stand by while Democrats infringe on a God-given, constitutionally protected right by lying to the American people.


Introducing the Stop Imposing Woke Ideology Abroad Act

This week, I introduced the Stop Imposing Woke Ideology Abroad Act. This legislation prohibits federal funding for the State Department’s Equity Action Plan and the Department’s Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice.   

Using taxpayer dollars to fund the Biden Administration’s woke programs abroad is a complete misuse of federal funding and further strains our relationships with countries abroad.

Americans have already rejected the Biden Administration’s radical social agenda, and yet it continues to try and force it on countries that have also rightly rejected it. Imposing woke ideology on other countries is just another example of the Biden Administration’s foreign policy failures.

This legislation ensures we protect American interests and curbs the Biden Administration’s detached social agenda abroad.

The legislation may be read here

Fox News covered my letter here. 

Original co-sponsors include: Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), and Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ). 

Meeting with Christians United for Israel

I had the honor to meet with representatives from Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The organization has more than 11.5 million members and was created as a grassroots movement designed to unify Christians in support of Israel and the Jewish people. 

We discussed America’s historic relationship with Israel and solutions to better protect Israel from harmful actors. I have stood strong in support of Israel and will continue to do so. 


Letters and Legislation

Bills Sponsored

H.R. 8422 - To prohibit funding to the Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice of the Department of State, and for other purposes

H.Res.1236 – Resolution of inquiry directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to provide certain documents in his possession to the House of Representatives relating to the Disinformation Governance Board

Bills Cosponsored

H.Res. 1233 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches (Johnson, R-LA)

H.R. 3553 - TSP Act (Waltz, R-FL)

H.R. 8175 – Stop Pills That Kill Act (Buck, R-CO)

H.R. 6534 - SAVE Act of 2022 (Cline, R-VA)

H.R. 8374 – Shall Not Be Infringed Act (Boebert, R-CO)

Letters Cosigned

Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Granholm urging her to delay implementation of new HVAC rules to accommodate housing construction schedules. (Lesko)

Letter to President Biden demanding answers on the sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Chinese companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Letter to bank CEOs expressing concerns with their decisions to pay travel expenses for employees seeking abortions.

Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Granholm requesting information regarding the sale of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to Chinese companies with ties to Hunter Biden.

Top Media Appearances of the Week

I joined Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to provide an instant reaction to radical anti-gun activist David Hogg’s obstruction of a congressional proceeding while speaking in a House Judiciary Committee hearing. Click below to watch the full segment. 


I joined Fox Business’ Stuart Varney to discuss why the House of Representatives should impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and why I voted against adding Sweden and Finland to NATO. Click below to watch the full segment. 


I joined KFYI-AM’s James T. Harris to discuss the Democrats’ approval of new legislation in the House Judiciary Committee that would ban most American firearms under the guise of “assault weapons.” Click below to hear the full segment. 


What’s the Biggs Idea? Podcast w/ Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT)


This week Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) joined me on my podcast “What’s the Bigg’s Idea?”.

Rep. Rosendale represents Montana’s At-Large Congressional District and is a member of the Veterans’ Affairs committee. We discussed the House passage of the bloated and reckless 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), wokeness in the U.S. military, and Biden’s foreign policy failures. 

We’ll be posting more episodes soon. Check out our social media pages for more updates. 

Click below to view the podcast. Or visit my website to watch previous episodes. 


Top Op-ed of the Week

This week, Townhall published my op-ed on why states need to declare an invasion at the southern border. The Constitution requires that the federal government protect the states from invasion (Article 4, Section 4). It also permits states to act without permission of the federal government when states are under imminent threat (Article 1, Section 10). Since the Biden Administration will not help states, states must take matters into their own hands. 

The number of people entering America illegally, the amount of drugs pouring across our border, and the damage they are causing are evidence of an invasion.

The piece may be read here

Top Tweets of the Week


Survey Opportunity 

I want to hear more from you. Please consider filling out my short survey to express your thoughts on our economy, border, and other pressing societal issues. The survey may be accessed by clicking here.

Definition of the Week

Yesterday, President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 despite him receiving four doses of the COVID vaccine. While I wish the president a speedy recovery, there is overwhelming evidence that the COVID vaccine mandates are not and were never effective. 

At a presidential townhall two years ago, President Biden declared that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. "In January, the President confidently stated,” This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated." 

We now know all of this to be untrue, but Democrats continue to attempt to shut down our country, economy, and personal wellbeing over this largely non-deadly virus. It’s shameful. 

Inspired by President Biden and the Democrats’ false narrative, here’s the definition of the week:

COVID-19 Vaccine (NOUN): An ineffective vaccine that the Biden Administration mandated on all Americans for political messaging and virtue signaling purposes. 


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