District Update |December 14, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you are continuing to stay healthy and well. I want to wish a Happy Hanukkah to all Arizonans celebrating this week. I hope your holiday is full of peace and light. 


I will be heading back to Washington, D.C. to finish any remaining legislative business for the 116th Congress. Here is a look back on the work we accomplished last week. 

Putting an End to Surprise Billing


Last Friday, the Ways and Means Committee announced an agreement on legislation to end surprise billing. The new legislation will help better protect patients from surprise medical bills and provide transparency for medical payment disputes. I applaud each of the committees involved in this announcement for their hard work to get this agreement finalized, as it has been over two years in the making. 

I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to finally put an end to surprise medical billing to provide accessible, convenient, and affordable care. To read more about this exciting announcement, click here.

Tax Reform Claims vs. Reality


As we approach the three year anniversary of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, I took to the House Floor to discuss common claims created and reiterated by some of my Democratic colleagues surrounding this legislation. Democrats often claimed that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is just a “Republican tax scam” and will only allow the “rich to get richer”. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Following tax reform we saw:

  • Median household income soar to its highest level since 1967
  • Middle class Americans experience record financial growth
  • Unemployment drop to a 50-year record low
  • Income inequality among women and minorities decline with increased wages

These are just a few data points from the incredible economic growth our country experienced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Joint Economic Committee, House Republicans did a great job creating graphics specific to each of these claims. 

To watch my full speech, click the photo above. To see these graphics, click here, and subscribe to the JEC Weekly Economic Update.

Time to Re-Open the PPP


Last week I took to the Capitol steps with my House Republican colleagues, urging Democrats to reopen the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Too many small businesses are being forced to permanently close. We can and must reopen the over $135+ billion available in unused loans to help provide a lifeline to our local businesses who need it most.

The holidays are quickly approaching, and no American should spend their time worrying about providing financially for their family. I urge my colleagues to include common-sense, bipartisan proposals in any future COVID-19 relief. To watch the live address, click here.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly e-Newsletter. If our office can ever be helpful for you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. 





David Schweikert

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