District Update |January 4, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

We have officially kicked off the 117th Congress! It is an honor to continue to represent AZ-06 in the United States Congress. Each year I have made it my mission to promote policies that will create growth, opportunity, and success for all Arizonans, and I look forward to continuing this work. 

This Congress, I will continue serving on the House Ways and Means Committee, charged with the responsibility to draft tax, health, and trade policy. It has been an honor to serve on this powerful Committee, and I look forward to continuing to bring Arizonan's voice to the discussion. 


We recently moved offices in Washington, D.C. Our new location is 304 Cannon House Office Building. We look forward to welcoming Arizonans when the Capitol reopens to the public!

Ruling the House


Today, my Democratic colleagues passed their rules for the 117th Congress, establishing an unprecedented abuse of power for future Congresses. Included in this package, are measures to remove rights from the Minority party, excluding our constituent's voices during the legislative process. 

During the last Congress, House Republicans were successful in using many of the tools Democrats will now strip away, including the Motion to Recommit, a tool Republicans successfully used 8 times to amend partisan legislation. This is a total abuse of power, and strips away the speech of millions of Americans my Republican colleagues and I represent, which is why I voted against this rules package.

What Issues Are Most Important to You?

As we start the New Year, I want to hear the issues most important to you as your Representative. I wanted to share a survey with you below, including a few issues of importance we have received messages on in the past. Please feel welcome to complete the survey, and share any additional topics!

What issues are a priority to you?
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Click here to take Survey

We Are Here to Help!

I wanted to make sure you were aware of the assistance my Scottsdale and Washington, D.C. offices can provide for you.

My Scottsdale Office handles federal casework issues and constituent services. If you are ever having trouble working with a federal agency, please don't hesitate to contact us. Below you will find a list of some examples of Federal Agencies we work with.

  • Veterans Affairs
  • Medicare
  • Social Security Administration
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. Department of Labor
  • Internal Revenue Services (IRS)

My Scottsdale office also assists with U.S. Service Academy Nominations, Congressional recognitions, grant assistance, the Congressional Art Competition, and more!

My Washington, D.C. office works on drafting federal policy, as well as providing constituent services. If you ever have a question about a piece of legislation being voted on in Congress, or want to share a message related to legislation, always feel welcome to contact us

The D.C. office also provides constituent services including:

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly e-newsletter. I look forward to continuing to communicate with you this Congress. If our offices can ever be helpful to you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

David Schweikert

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