District Update |May 10, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope that you and your family are doing well. I wanted to provide you with a few important updates to be aware of, and share this video our office created to highlight AZ-06 student's artwork included in the 2021 Congressional Art Competition. 

Last week, Governor Ducey signed critical legislation to expand telehealth services permanently throughout our state. I applaud this effort, and am pleased to see Arizona is continuing to lead the way in health care innovation. 

I am continuing to advocate for Congress to pass legislation to ensure telemedicine services are available permanently across the country, through my legislation the CONNECT for Health Act.

Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021

Every American deserves the ability to successfully save for retirement. Recently, I joined my Ways and Means Committee colleagues in supporting the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021, and introduced two pieces of legislation to strengthen this bill. My legislation would:


This legislation will help many individuals and Main Street businesses support Americans in successfully saving for retirement. I am pleased to see the Ways and Means Committee move forward on this bipartisan legislation and work together on this important topic. Read more on the Securing a Strong Retirement Act here

April Jobs Report


Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a dismal jobs report showing job growth fell well short of estimates, as our unemployment rate increased. The report showed the critical need to pass policies that will encourage individuals to return to full-time employment, and reduce burdens on businesses to create new jobs to spur economic growth.

Under the Democrats’ recently passed spending bill, Americans are being encouraged to stay home from work. Too many individuals are earning higher wages on unemployment benefits that aren't set to expire until September, hurting small businesses that are struggling to fill positions to drive wage growth and get our economy back to the record-breaking data prior to the pandemic. 

It is more important than ever for us to re-open our economy, support policies that will create wage and job growth, and help Americans return to the workforce.

Tax Filing Deadline - May 17th!

The deadline for individuals to file and pay federal income taxes is May 17, 2021. This deadline is quickly approaching, and it is advised you electronically file your taxes online here as soon as possible. If you have any other concerns, please check the IRS's website for additional free services and other helpful checklists and FAQs.


For any other questions or concerns, feel free to visit my website here for more information, or follow along on social media with #SchweikertTaxTips!

Healthcare Enrollment Updates

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are accepting new enrollment in, or changes to plans, due to the COVID-19 pandemic through August 15th. Individuals may be eligible for more savings and lower costs on marketplace health insurance, and can visit the CMS website here for more information on plans and how to apply.


I appreciate you taking time to read my weekly e-newsletter. If there are any additional services our office can provide you, please feel welcome to contact us.


David Schweikert

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