District Update |June 21, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you and your family are staying healthy and well. I wanted to provide you with some information on my recent work back in Washington, D.C., and other district updates here in Arizona. 

Becoming a father has been the greatest gift. I hope everyone enjoyed Father's Day weekend with their loved ones. 


Health Care Innovation and Technology Speech


Last week, I took to the House Floor to discuss the new innovation and technology we are seeing in health care. I often say, "we are on the cusp of a technology revolution," and incredible advancements in the last year are proving to be effective in how we deliver care. Right now, we must be focused on how we can expand the innovation for creating vaccines, mRna technology, personalized medicine, at-home diagnostics and medical devices to disrupt the price of health care and create a healthier society. 

Our nation’s health care spending is out of control, particularly in Medicare. We are facing a $101 trillion shortfall over the next 30 years that is driving our deficit through the roof. As we emerge from the pandemic, it is important that we promote innovative solutions to crash the price of health care, improve Americans’ health, and support research for live-saving therapeutics and cures. 

Watch my full Floor Speech by clicking the image above.  

Ways and Means Hearing with Secretary Yellen


On Thursday, I joined a Ways and Means Committee Hearing with United States Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen where I was able to ask her questions about the President's Fiscal Year 2022 budget proposal and plans to increases taxes in order to pay for the Democrats' spending proposals. 

In the last few weeks, Democrats in Congress have continued to propose new tax increases. We are already seeing data to show these tax increases won’t come close to covering their spending plans, which is why I asked Secretary Yellen what new taxes are coming and if the Administration would go as far as adding a Value Added Tax (VAT) into the American economy.

We saw the benefits strong regulatory and tax reform had in 2018 and 2019 to increase revenues and grow the economy. Now it is important that we continue working to promote pro-growth policies to increase revenues without taxing hard-working Americans.

Monsoon Season

This last week started the official Monsoon Season here in Arizona. Arizona's monsoon season runs from mid-June through the end of September, and it is important to be aware of the different safety precautions for when these storms unexpectedly strike. 


For more information on monsoon awareness, visit the Arizona Emergency Information Network website HERE

Fall Internship Program


Do you know an AZ-06 student interested in a fall internship? My Arizona and Washington, D.C. offices are looking for eager and motivated candidates to apply for our internship programs. Applicants should be detail oriented, and display a strong work ethic. In addition, applicants should have a strong interest in the legislative process and the function of Congress. The deadline to apply is July 26th, 2021. 

For more information about the application process, please visit my website for additional resources when applying. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my weekly e-newsletter. If you would like to contact me, please feel welcome to browse my website for the different services our office can help you with. 


David Schweikert

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