District Update |August 30, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you and your family are remaining well as summer nearly comes to a close. I wanted to share an update below of the work I've done this past week, as well as what has been happening in Washington, D.C. during these tumultuous times.

Meeting with the Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce


Last week I joined the Carefree-Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce for a breakfast to discuss my work in Washington, D.C. During the meeting, we discussed the $1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, $3.5 trillion spending bill, nationwide unemployment, and the Afghanistan withdrawal.

As our economy has made great strides towards economic recovery post-pandemic, it is important that we are working to promote pro-growth policies to help our workers, businesses, and families return to the economic success we saw prior to the pandemic. Unfortunately, the excessive spending proposals coming forth are the exact opposite of a pro-growth policy.

With less than 5% of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill going to traditional infrastructure, and the tax increases we will see in the $3.5 trillion spending package, we are on track for increased inflation and costs.  In a time where there are still hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans and the cost of goods and services is rising, we should be be working to help our economy grow and promote investment, not increased spending.

Addressing the Crisis in Afghanistan

ImageOn Friday I signed onto House Resolution 607, led by Representative Waltz from Florida, condemning this Administration's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. We have all watched with heavy hearts what has transpired over the last week. Had there been an orderly emergency plan to help each American return home safely, we would not be seeing the terror in Kabul we have today.

It is both mine and many of my colleagues belief that this tragedy could have been avoided, and ahead of tomorrow’s August 31st deadline, I implore the President to ensure every American, Afghan ally, and service member is able to safely return home before completing this mission.

You can read the entire Resolution here.

We Must Stop Spending and Borrowing

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On Tuesday, I spoke on the House Floor asking for answers to where the funds are coming from to foot the cost of this enormous $3.5 trillion tax and spending bill and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. House Democrats have promised countless times that these bills would be one hundred percent paid for with new revenue, however we aren’t seeing the math add up.

I have always been a strong advocate for pro-growth policies that will lift up our hard-working families and local businesses. I will continue to fight against these economy crushing bills and call out Washington’s spending problem. To watch the video click the photo above.

Progression in Valley Fever Vaccine


Valley Fever is a very real and chilling condition that is no stranger to our home state of Arizona. For years, myself and other members of the Valley Fever Task Force have been working hard to pass legislation that will support critical research needed to treat this fungal-disease. Right now, we are still working through trials to develop a vaccine for Valley Fever, and are on the horizon to produce one for our animals in the coming years.

With the Coronavirus on our minds, I want to stress the importance of asking your doctor about Valley Fever and other respiratory conditions if you start to show these types of symptoms. I spoke with KOLD TV in Tucson about the work I am doing to promote critical research and detection for this disease. To watch my segment discussing our work in Congress, click here.

As always, I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this update and provide your genuine feedback. For further needed assistance, please never hesitate to reach out to us.


David Schweikert

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