District Update |November 9, 2021                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you had a productive week and restful weekend. Last week in the Capital, my colleagues and I in Congress continued to debate President Biden's multi-trillion dollar reconciliation and infrastructure packages.

What Is Driving Our Healthcare Costs?


On Tuesday, I spoke on the House floor to shed light on the actual math that consumes our healthcare costs. The data shows that chronic conditions are the number one driver, making up fifty percent of Medicare costs. The current systems that we have in place for healthcare spending have driven Americans' medical costs through the roof.

We must start investing in new, disruptive, and curative technologies. We must push to legalize the use of the smart technologies that we currently have, to positively change the way we approach healthcare. We cannot continue to put money towards creating more clinics that simply mediate care. For far too long, America's healthcare system has forced people with chronic conditions to be dependent on their providers. We must do better to help Americans find real solutions - and the new technologies can do this.

To watch my full floor speech, click the image above.

Introducing H.R. 765 Against Financially Compensating Illegal Immigrants


Last week, I introduced a resolution to stop any and all payments to migrants who have violated our country's immigration laws. This is a direct response to the Biden Administration's proposal to give a $450,000 in compensation per individual to migrants who have illegally crossed our southern border.

For nearly a year, there has been a crisis at our Southern border with our nation's law enforcement officials dealing with over 1.6 million encounters - the highest number ever recorded. President Biden's proposal will only incentivize more illegal immigration. My resolution makes the message clear: the House of Representatives is against all proposals that seek to reward individuals that knowingly violated the rule of law.

Pandemic Breakthroughs

Recent reports indicate we are on the verge of more medical breakthroughs against COVID-19. I am in the process of introducing legislation that would declare the Public Health Emergency Declaration over, upon the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of a therapeutic indicated for use against COVID-19. I believe the combination of vaccines and treatment options provides us with the necessary tools to return our normal way of life.

Why We Need a CBO Score


I, along with 206 of my colleague in the House, called on Speaker Pelosi to postpone the reconciliation vote until a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score and analysis is made available. Without a proper CBO score, it is impossible to know the true cost of these massive tax and spending bills.

It is completely reckless to vote on a piece of legislation without all of the necessary information. We must have proper projections in order to understand the full implications of such spending.

Enough with Government Overspending


Last week, I joined my fellow Freedom Caucus colleagues for a press conference that shed light on why the Democrats' tax and spending bill will be horrible for the future of our economy.

The math has shown that this level of spending will undoubtedly stagnate our working class Americans over time. It is devastating that the very populations that this Administration has promised to lift up, will be the ones hit hardest by this massive government overreach. We will not sit back and watch our vulnerable populations fall victim to the left's false promises.

Thank you for taking the time to get up to date on my recent work. If you have any questions, comments, or concern for me, please do not hesitate to contact my office.


David Schweikert

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