District Update |December 13, 2021                                                                                 

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Dear Friend,

I hope you enjoyed your week. Last week was yet another productive one in our nation's Capitol. Below, please find my update on the most recent development's in Congress and what's going on back in Arizona's 6th district.

Reigning In Government Spending


Last week, I went to the House Floor to speak about the dangers of the Democrats’ reckless spending spree and why Congress must focus on the real issues facing our country. We need to set our sights on ending the pandemic, reigning in federal debt through innovation, and setting up the next generation for economic success.


Tax Credits Available For Arizona Residents and Business Owners


I wanted to make you aware of the tax credits made available to residents through Arizona's Department of Revenue. Below, please find a comprehensive list:

Please know, so long as you are eligible, there is no limit on the amount of credits you can claim. For more information on the different credits available, please click the links provided above.


Introducing the Telehealth Extension Act of 2021


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the importance of telehealth in our communities. Telehealth alternatives are crucial in bridging primary care physicians with their patients, and I believe access to these alternatives should outlast the pandemic. That’s why I joined several of my colleagues last week in introducing the Telehealth Extension Act of 2021, which will expand patient access to telehealth beyond the Public Health Emergency.

I am proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation that will act as a critical step to increase accessibility, improve outcomes, and equip our nation with the tools it needs to respond to future emergencies.


China Must Be Held Accountable

Last week, the House passed a series of bills that will hold China accountable for their continued human rights violations.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has consistently refused to work with the international community, suppressed freedom of speech in China, and continuously ignored basic human dignity for their own people. The bills are as follows:

  • H.R. 1155 – Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
    This bill would prohibit importing products of forced labor from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) and create new sanctions regarding forced labor.
  • H.R. 837 – Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the International Olympic Committee failed to adhere to its own human rights commitments This resolution holds the International Olympic Committee (IOC) accountable for legitimizing China’s claims about the disappearance of tennis player Peng Shuai, and failing to uphold their own human rights standards. It requests the IOC investigate the allegations made by Shuai and provide information regarding her safety.
  • H.R. 317 – Condemning the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity being committed against Uyghurs and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups by the People’s Republic of China This resolution calls out China for their crimes against humanity. It also calls on the President to direct the U.N. to investigate these crimes, to invoke sanctions at the U.N. Security Council, and hold China accountable under international law.

For too long the CCP has been restricting basic human rights and punishing those that speak out about these issues. I am proud that my colleagues and I were able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to pass these important pieces of legislation. As your Representative, I will continue to uphold human rights around the world and push back against the Chinese government.


As always, I thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter and get up to date on the work I am doing at home in Arizona and in Washington, D.C. Please, if you have any questions, comments, or are in need of assistance, I strongly encourage you to contact my office.


David Schweikert

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