District Update |December 24, 2021                                                                                 


Dear Friend,

We are just days away from the new year. I hope you, your family, and friends remain healthy and happy as we enter this new chapter.

2021 was another one for the books. It was a big year of change for everyone, everywhere. I wanted to provide all of you with a comprehensive breakdown of my work and accomplishments this past year while representing you in Congress and at home in Arizona's 6th district.

January 2021 - A New Year

Reintroduction Of The Invest Now Act


Ensuring the health and stability of our economy has been a priority of mine since my first day in Congress. Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, I knew we would need creative solutions to restart the economy and return to our historic economic success from the previous year. I will continue to advocate for fiscally responsible policies from my position on the Ways and Means Committee in Congress.

In January, I re-introduced legislation to promote long-term economic growth that counters the impacts of the pandemic. My legislation, the Invest Now Act, encourages individuals to purchase real estate, stocks, bonds and other forms of property while temporarily reducing the capital gains rate to 5% for assets purchased in 2021. It’s market focused ideas like this one that I look to when thinking about ways to boost our economy. Throughout this entire year, I have never stopped searching for ways to improve the economic conditions for hardworking Americans.


My Ongoing Commitment To Protecting Life


Protecting the most vulnerable among us starts with protecting the unborn. It is important that we always defend life, and it is crucial we do so at the federal level. As you know, I have a deep connection to the pro-life policies due to my own personal story with adoption. In February, I co-sponsored two pieces of legislation that help protect and defend life – the Life at Conception Act and the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. These are two important bills that can make a real difference in the fight for life.


Introducing The Exit Tax Prevention Act

In March of this year, I introduced legislation preventing states from taxing Americans that relocate to a new and permanent residence in another state. This legislation, the Exit Tax Prevention Act, was in response to a California proposal that would penalize those who move by placing an 'exit tax' on those residents for a number of years even after they left the state. It is an unconstitutional and dangerous precedent that must be stopped in its tracks. No American should ever be punished for freely choosing to move to different jurisdictions, especially when they are relocating in order to pursue a better living or economic situation.

To read more about this legislation, click here.


Way and Means Republicans Introduce The Lower Costs, More Cures Act


It was a pleasure to join my colleagues in April in introducing legislation to combat the rising drug costs across the country. So many people, especially here in Arizona, have felt the burden of increased prescription drug prices, and we need creative solutions to fix this problem.

The Lower Cost, More Cures Act, does exactly that. While promoting low-cost options for patients who need prescription drugs, the bill also lessens our reliance on China for these drugs and increases our ability to develop disruptive cures through medical innovations. I will continue to fight to give you the choice, control, affordability, and quality healthcare that you deserve.

To learn more about this legislation click here.


Introducing The Securing a Strong Retirement Act


Arizona has long been a destination for those seeking retirement, and everyone who lives here has worked incredibly hard to enjoy their own retirement as well. That’s why it is so important to ensure that every Arizonan and American can take charge of their own retirement finances earlier in life to meet their retirement goals. In May, I introduced the Securing a Strong Retirement Act, a piece of legislation that will do exactly that: improve retirement security and Americans’ quality of life by allowing them more flexibility and easier access to funding retirement solutions earlier in their careers.

Want to learn more about the bill? Click here.


My Letter to President Biden Against the Iran Nuclear Deal


Iran has long been a sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East and beyond. They routinely attack and threaten our allies, and it’s critical that the United States always stands firmly against the tyrannical Iranian regime.

In May, I sent a letter to President Biden urging him to halt considerations of returning the U.S. to the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal. Twenty-three of my colleagues joined me in sending this message to the President: under no terms can we bend to the will of Iran. To read the full letter, click here.

June - Half Way There

The Southern Border Crisis: Let's Address It


The border crisis caused by the Biden Administration has hit Arizona particularly hard. Many of our border towns have been inundated with illegal immigrants, which has been stretching local services. I know that securing the southern border is a top priority for our country, and that was clear when I visited Nogales in June to tour the area and gain a first-hand, on the ground perspective about the challenges our border communities are confronting. 

Our great border security personnel who live and work here have been left without proper resources to execute their mission. Even though the President refuses to recognize this reality, I will do everything I can to ensure the federal government takes notice and devotes funding and resources to secure our communities and properly help those who need assistance.



Introducing the Bipartisan Energy Sector Innovation Credit Act


In July, my colleagues and I introduced the Energy Sector Innovation Credit (ESIC) Act, a bipartisan energy tax proposal to encourage technology-neutral innovation in the clean energy sector to help rapidly scale-up and diversify the deployment of new clean energy technologies.

The Energy Sector Innovation Credit Act is a proposal that works within the tax code and promotes a pro-growth and economically responsible opportunity for investment in emerging clean energy technologies. This bill is designed to help nascent technologies overcome the incumbency advantages of established technologies, and use innovation as a means to achieve long-term emissions targets, create jobs, and provide safe and reliable energy – rather than relying on a “Green New Deal” full of top-down mandates to get that done.

Read more on ESIC here.


The Importance Of Our National Parks Service


On August 25th, the National Parks Service celebrated their 105th birthday. Since 1916, they have worked hard to preserve and protect the natural treasures of our country. We live in a beautiful and geographically diverse state, and I am proud to support legislation such as the Great American Outdoors Act that provides historic investments in our public lands. Future generations will benefit from this enhanced conservation and access to these outdoor recreation areas across our nation, from the Grand Canyon National Park to the Arizona Trail and much more.

I am also proud to have cosponsored H.R. 4300, legislation that passed the House of Representatives and will provide our nation’s veterans and Gold Star families free lifetime access to national parks and public lands and give active-duty military free annual passes.


Emerging Technology in 2021


Innovation in the technology space will guide our nation for many years to come. It’s important that we understand these new developments and work to get ahead of the curve. I am proud to serve as Co- Chair of the Blockchain Caucus, where I work on so many of these emerging policies like cryptocurrency. If you want to stay up to date on policy relating to technological innovations, follow my Facebook and Twitter pages where I post about it regularly.

September - Goodbye Summer and Happy Fall

Introducing The Paws Off Act


In September, I introduced legislation called the PAWS Off Act - a bill that would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require foods containing xylitol to be considered mislabeled unless it includes a warning label specifying its toxic effects. This legislation was prompted after a neighbor of mine approached me this summer and told me about the tragic death of their dog, who had accidentally eaten a piece of gum containing this ingredient.

For those who don’t know, xylitol is a sugar alcohol found in numerous common household products that is harmless to humans. However, the same can not be said for our pets - who can pass away from ingestion. The increased presence of xylitol in household items has made it extremely difficult for owners to track what is and is not safe to have around their pets. I was proud to introduce this widely endorsed legislation, and I am eagerly looking forward to the day it becomes law.


Raising Crucial Awareness to Combat Valley Fever


As you may know, directing resources for research into fighting Valley Fever is a top priority of mine in Congress. This disease is specific to the southwestern United States, and it impacts so many in our community. That’s why I reintroduced the FORWARD Act in early October, a bipartisan bill that supports research initiatives that treat Valley Fever. My legislation works to confront the current gaps in science to detect, treat, and one-day eradicate this disease by establishing antifungal therapeutics and vaccine development. The University of Arizona’s Valley Fever Center for Excellence continues to lead the way for this important research and I am proud to help amplify their achievements across the country.

November - Nearly There

Exiting The Pandemic State

We are approaching the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am eternally grateful for the tireless efforts and service of our healthcare community and frontline workers. In that time, thanks to Operation Warp Speed under the Trump Administration, we have developed groundbreaking vaccines and are on the cusp of several FDA approved anti-viral pills. With the already existing treatments and the soon-to-be approved medicine, it is time to declare the pandemic over. My bill, the Pandemic Cessation Act, does exactly that. It’s time to follow the science and end this Public Health Emergency once and for all.

December - Reaching The Finish Line

Extending Telehealth In A Post-pandemic Society


Throughout the past two years, we have seen the increased importance and reliability on telehealth services. The alternatives offered to patients through telehealth have provided major benefits for patients, families, and providers across the country, and I believe we should continue to protect your access to telehealth.

That is why I am proud to have introduced with my colleagues this December the Telehealth Extension Act of 2021, a bill that will expand patient access to telehealth and allow for its continuation beyond the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency period. This legislation is a critical step to increase accessibility, improve outcomes, and equip our nation with the tools it needs to respond to future emergencies.


I truly hope you had a great year. This time of the year is a reminder to reflect on our accomplishments, setbacks, projects we are still working on, and the challenges we've yet to tackle. It has been a deep honor of mine to represent the 6th district of Arizona for another year.

Thank you for taking the time to read my end of the year wrap-up. I encourage you to reach my office with any questions, comments, or concerns both now, and in the new year.

All the best,

David Schweikert

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