District Update |January 18, 2022                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you were able to relax and reflect over the long weekend while we remembered the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. Below, please find an update of my past week in Congress.

Innovation Can Help, If We Let It


Last Thursday, I went to the House Floor to speak about the impact that innovation can have on our economy. There is no doubt that we are facing many economic problems, but the solution to those problems is not to routinely spend trillions of taxpayer dollars.

Rather, we should focus on innovative solutions that can create a vibrant and prosperous economy, and that starts by cutting red tape and empowering disruption in industries across the country.


Arizona's Inflation Has Sky Rocketed In The Past Year

Record-high inflation has slammed Americans across the U.S., but the impact has been even bigger here in our state. New troubling data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that Arizonans are now some of the hardest hit in the nation, with the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale area rising to a rate of 9.7% as compared to the national average of 7%.

The historic inflation rate increases we are seeing today are the result of the Biden Administration’s big government approach to solving our economic problems. As they continue to spend trillions of tax dollars in social spending bills, rest assured that I will continue to fight against their disastrous proposals every step of the way.


Supreme Court Blocks Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate


As you may know, the Supreme Court blocked President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate for large employers. This great news is a win for both private businesses and employees. No one should be forced to choose between their job or complying with a big government mandate. To read more about this news, click here.

Democrats Attempt To Takeover Elections

Last week, House Democrats voted on and passed a bill that will federalize election laws across the country. This legislation is now in the Senate, and it is expected to be voted on this week. Here is what you need to know about the Democrats’ attempt to takeover elections:

  • All election laws created by states would be replaced by a federal standard set by the Democrats.
  • For Arizona, this means our election laws that have been in place for many years would be overturned. This includes any laws passed by the State Legislature or by popular referendums that deal with our elections.
  • The Democrats' bill will also negate the fact that every state is different, and what works in Arizona won’t work exactly the same in states like New York or California.
  • Additionally, campaign finance laws would be upended, and small donors could have their contributions matched 6-to-1. This means that someone donating $200 would actually be donating $1200 to a campaign. Rather than “taking money out of politics” as Democrats say, this bill will put more money into politics than ever before.


Photo Contest Is Still Open!


Remember to send in your scenic photos for a chance to win! The picture above is one of many submissions we have had so far, and if you have not sent one in yet, you still have time.

All you have to do is take a snapshot of somewhere that showcases Arizona's natural beauty within the 6th district and tag me in the photo on either Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for a chance to be featured! Be sure to use the hashtag #SchweikertScenicShot to enter.


Thank you for taking the time to get yourself up to speed on my recent work for Arizona's 6th district. Wishing you a happy and healthy week ahead and I encourage you to reach my office with your questions or concerns.


David Schweikert

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