District Update April 4, 2022     

Dear ,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Last week was another productive one in Washington, D.C. on behalf of Arizona's 6th district. Below, please find an update of my recent work in Congress.

Democrats' Policies Are Driving Income Inequality


On Thursday, I spoke on the House floor about the true drivers of income inequality. Specifically, how the Democrats' policy model has stagnated economic growth and has made the poor even poorer within the past year.

The rhetoric coming from the left has misled many to believe that their policies are the primary solution to helping the American people, but this is not true. Their policies continuously prove to be the drivers of our nation's problems. We must act now to implement policy that will endure over time and benefit the country. Americans deserve to keep their hard-earned money in their pockets and to not feel dependent upon Washington to decide their futures.

For more on the true drivers of debt and income inequality, you can watch my full floor speech here.


The Securing A Strong Retirement Act Passes Through the House


Last week, I was proud to see legislation that I co-sponsored, the Securing A Strong Retirement Act, pass through the U.S. House of Representatives. The passage of this bill is an important step forward that will strengthen Americans’ retirement savings by helping them save for retirement at all stages of their career, and make it easier for small businesses to set up retirement plans for their workers.

For far too long, working Americans and business owners have been lacking the structure needed to ensure their retirements are strong, so that they can feel confident leaving the workforce. I am pleased to have played a key role in writing parts of this bill that will benefit future retirees. For more information, click here.

Title 42 Must Remain

Since taking office, President Biden has failed to enact meaningful policy to confront the crisis at our Southern border. Now, the Department of Homeland Security is planning to lift the Title 42 border policy, which has proven to be one of the few effective methods to control the number of illegal migrants coming to the border.

The Biden Administration has an obligation to keep Title 42 in place for the security of the American people, but particularly for the residents of Arizona, who will be disproportionately affected if this is lifted. The United States Customs and Border Protection have already been met with historic levels of illegal border crossings and our border patrol officers cannot endure further record-breaking influxes.


Tax Filing Season Is Coming to a Close


I would like to remind you of the quickly approaching tax filing deadline on April 18th, 2022, which is now just two weeks away. Below, I have included a couple of helpful resources that the IRS has publicly shared.

Please click this link, for a checklist from the IRS that can help you make sure you are doing all that you can for an efficient tax season. Or, you can visit this link here for a step by step from the IRS on how to get the jump on your tax filing.


Are You Interested in Applying to a Military Service Academy?


Each year I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of students for scholarships to attend a military service academy. I have just opened up the academy application RSVP on my website, which you can find here.

If you are interested in applying for a service academy scholarship, but are looking to learn more about the process, I strongly encourage you to attend the 2022 Service Academy Fair on May 7th, where members of my staff and academy liaison representatives will be present to give you more information.


Thank you getting up to date on my recent work on behalf of Arizona's 6th district. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, I encourage you to contact my office.


David Schweikert


