District Update February 19, 2024     


Dear ,

I hope you and your family are doing well! Below, please find a few updates on my work last week for the residents of Arizona’s First Congressional District.

House Committee on Ways & Means Holds IRS Commissioner Accountable


Last Thursday, IRS Commissioner, Daniel Werfel, testified in front of the House Committee on Ways & Means. During our discussion, I emphasized the importance of technology and modernization to deliver an easier experience to Americans filing their taxes. I reiterated how technology plays a key role in detecting fraud and expediting filing within the IRS, as it leads to more tax receipts. I reminded the commissioner of the inefficiencies of the IRS and how currently, we’ve spent $10.96 for every $1 we’ve collected. I also inquired about further information on the employer retention credit and how the rules and timing of the implementation affect small businesses. The commissioner agreed that the IRS has many opportunities to advance and noted their production of educational series across the country to broadcast helpful information. 

The hearing also highlighted how the adjusted Child Tax Credit could positively affect Americans in as little as six weeks after the Senate approves the bill. Only 10% of households will see an increase in their tax credits, which would assist the agency in processing refunds more efficiently. To give Americans who already filed peace of mind, the IRS and House worked together to ensure that they DO NOT need to refile their tax return.

The Danger of the Border Crisis is Increasing Daily 


Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has a smartphone application, established by the Biden Administration, that millions of migrants have utilized to gain asylum into the United States via the Southern Border. The app, 'CBP One', allows migrants to request appointments in hopes of being processed by U.S. immigration authorities at an official border crossing. Approximately 1,450 appointments are released daily, giving migrants a slim chance at being granted legal access into the country. This evidently leads them to cross into the U.S. illegally and bypassing the CBP One system entirely. The Cato Institute just released a briefing document stating that there were 34.7 million green card applications at the start of Fiscal Year 2024.

The border crisis has become an internal operation. A 46-year-old Arizonan was sentenced to two years in prison for spearheading a years-long conspiracy to transport illegal migrants across our Southern Border into the U.S. The U.S. Border Patrol Chief, Jason Owens, released a post explaining the recent arrest of an admitted member of the cartel. What on earth has this situation developed into? 

The Tucson sector experienced 12,081 apprehensions of illegal migrants from 48 different countries, 144 federal criminal cases, 23 human smuggling events, and seven narcotics events just in the last week alone. The Yuma Sector experienced over 3,700 illegal migrant arrests and 15 human smuggling events during the month of January. The Nogales Sector seized over 845,000 fentanyl pills and over 48 pounds of cocaine during the last week of January. This is just in the State of Arizona. 

Apply For the Opportunity to Intern Alongside My Staff!


My Washington, D.C. and Scottsdale offices are accepting applications for full and part-time congressional internships for the 2024 summer session. College students interested in interning in my Scottsdale office are encouraged to submit their applications to Ernestina.Borquez-Smith@mail.house.gov by April 26th. For more information, please review my website or please call my district office at (480) 946-2411.

For students interested in a 2024 summer internship in my Washington, D.C. office, please email your resume, a cover letter, and two reference letters to Katie.West@mail.house.gov. We look forward to reviewing your applications!

Recent Criminal Activity in Arizona Could Be Tied to South American Crime Ring


Local law enforcement agencies have noticed a noted increase in home burglaries in our community. They believe this increase is tied to an organized South American crime gang believed to be targeting our community. The group tends to operate fast, targeting homes in the early evening when residents are away. They tend to rob the primary bedroom and have been reported to operate with three getaway vans at any given point. The most recent incidents occurred at Country Club Village, a gated community in Scottsdale. According to Scottsdale police, these burglaries bring the number of cases tied to the South American gang to nearly two-dozen.  

As with all crimes, if anyone is aware or sees suspicious activity, call your local law enforcement agency immediately. Home burglaries can occur at any time of the day and in any area. I encourage homeowners to be vigilant and take extra security measures such as security cameras, alarm systems and being mindful of securing your home when you leave.

Snowy Sights at the CapitolImage

One of the positives about working in different states is experiencing the different climates. Although Arizona is known for its mostly temperate year-round weather, Arizona's first congressional district has seen rare slivers of snow. In fact, just in time to ring in the new year, North Scottsdale experienced snowfall on January 7. The most recent occasion where our district saw a semi-prominent snowfall was when Fountain Hills got two inches during El Nino in February 2019. I took this photo from a window outside our Washington, D.C. office building just last week. 

What I’m Reading & Why It Matters


As I mentioned in my newsletter a couple of weeks ago, the spending restraints agreed to last year by President Biden and former Speaker Kevin McCarthy could help slow the growth in the federal deficit by roughly $1.4 trillion over the next decade. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that debt growth would drop from $20.3 trillion to $18.9 trillion by 2033. This was unfortunately proven to be untrue, as high interest rates increased debt payments, eliminating any positive effects from the spending caps. Analysts still say that the deal was moderately beneficial, but the country is still far from achieving stable fiscal health. 

Last week, however, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) stated that after reviewing this year's audit report, they remain unable to confirm the reliability of the federal government's consolidated financial statements. Gene. L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO, referred to the incomplete financial information within each agency and across the government to be a factor of the lack of efficient governance.  
GAO mentions the various problems with the Department of Defense's accounting practices, the issues the Small Business Administration has with its pandemic relief program, and the lack of the Department of Education's ability to estimate costs of its loan programs. In fact, it was revealed that several agencies and programs reported improper payments totaling $236 billion.

On top of that, GAO also issued its annual report on the nation’s long-term fiscal stability. As you might notice during my weekly House floor speeches, the message I present directly aligns with the report's conclusion of our fiscal irresponsibility. The estimated 2023 deficit is $1.7 trillion, while $659 billion of that was just the interest paid on our national debt. The report showed the publicly held debt will double over next 30 years. 

Schweikert Says...
I'm starting a new segment that incorporates frequently asked questions to staffers of both my Washington, D.C. and district office, as well as tips and tricks for going through life in Arizona's First Congressional District. This week, I wanted to highlight a question from Ashlyn in Carefree. She asks...
"I think I have been a victim of identity fraud or theft – what do I do?"
This is one of the most challenging questions to work through as we share resources and walk constituents through the recovery plan for clearing their name. Schweikert says to take a look at the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) toolkit on reporting identity theft and getting a recovery plan. They also have an incredibly thorough process for reporting fraud as well.
Do you have any general questions that I can help answer? Do not hesitate to reach out to my offices at (202) 225-2190 or (480) 946-2411.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update on my latest work in Washington, D.C. and Arizona’s First Congressional District! If you have any comments or concerns, I encourage you to reach out to my office.





David Schweikert


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