District Update June 24, 2024     


Dear ,

I hope you and your family are doing well! Below, please find a few updates on my work last week for the residents of Arizona’s First Congressional District.

Unpacking the Republican Response to the 2024 Economic Report of the President


Last week, Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Republicans released the Republican Response to the Council of Economic Advisers’ 2024 Economic Report of the President. As JEC Vice Chairman, I wanted to highlight some of the main points of the Republic Response below, which is broken up into five chapters. Now, as a reminder, many of these findings are brutally and intellectually honest, as they highlight issues like how our rapidly changing demographics and  the cost to treat obesity, contribute to unsustainable national debt levels. 

Chapters 1 and 3 review the nation’s fiscal problems and dissect the Biden administration’s demand-side policies which have propelled deficit growth and caused inflation to persist well past its peak in 2022. Since January 2021, the total national debt has increased by more than $6.8 trillion — of which more than 53% of that debt has been added in just the last two years. In CBO’s latest projections, federal debt held by the public is estimated to grow to 122% of GDP in 2034. This fiscal year alone, the national debt is expected to exceed $35 trillion. Let’s also not forget that interest on that debt is expected to rise to $1.1 trillion. To further illustrate President Biden’s economic failures, the purchasing power of the dollar has decreased by over 20% since the president took office.

Chapter 2 explores our nation’s demographics as more Americans retire and begin receiving Social Security and Medicare benefits. The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund is projected to become insolvent by Fiscal Year 2033, leading to an automatic 21% cut to retirement benefits, which will cause the senior poverty rate to more than double, from 1.5% to 3.3%. Since 2021, the combined OASI and DI Trust Fund reserves have decreased because the benefits paid out exceed the income received from payroll taxes. As the birthrate declines and the working age population does as well, the stress on the working population to fund Social Security will only increase. 

Chapter 4 builds off JEC Republicans’ 2023 Response which found that increasing obesity prevalence in the U.S. is a major drag on the U.S. economy, and fiscal policy must address this reality. Obesity will result in up to $9.1 trillion in excess medical expenditures and cause the federal government to spend $4.1 trillion over the next decade.

Chapter 5 analyzes the potential benefits to governance, economic growth, and our fiscal situation that one of the most revolutionary technological innovations of our generation — artificial intelligence — can have on society. This report offers real, tangible solutions to correct our fiscal trajectory rather than theatrical, unsustainable claims that we so often listen to in Congress. You can go even further by reading the report linked above or click here to read the one-pager.  

Upcoming Mobile Office Hours with My District Office


My district casework team is here to assist residents of Arizona’s First Congressional District with applications and claims pertaining to federal benefits. Staff from my district office may be in your neighborhood to offer one-on-one casework assistance. Stop by the Granite Reef Senior Center on Tuesday, June 25, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., or call the district office at (480) 946-2411 for immediate assistance with the IRS, Passports, Medicare, Social Security, VA and other federal benefits. 

Beat the Heat, Stay Safe in the Arizona Summer


As our state faces extreme temperatures this season, here are some tips to stay safe and cool despite the heat.

  • Instead of relying on indoor A/C, consider also using a fan to help keep your body temperature (and A/C costs) down.
  • It might be beneficial to keep blinds closed on windows that shed direct sunlight to keep rooms as cool as possible.
  • Remember, the heat will likely make outside physical activity more challenging, so you may need to alter you regular routine if planning to hike or spend time outdoors. When outside, use a spray bottle or damp towel to cool down your skin and wear light and loose-fitting clothing.
  • Remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, before you may even feel thirsty. This will help prevent you from feeling light-headed and will help you be more energized.
  • Although unlikely, plan ahead by making sure you have food and medical essentials if the district is to face any emergency power failures or technical challenges.
  • Take special notice in making sure that any elders and children you know are staying cool, as they may be more sensitive to extreme temperatures.

Summer means school's out, but in Arizona especially, we have some scorching days. I wish you and your families safety during these summer months. Please feel free to refer to further resources on my website.  

Better, Faster, Cheaper: How Innovation is Expanding Optimism for the Future


Many of you know my fascination with innovation and the further implementation of technology into different facets of many industries. The up-and-coming innovation is extensive, and luckily, there are thousands of scholarly studies and research pieces being released daily that expand on progress of these projects. Not enough members of Congress take the time to capitalize on how these innovative advancements actually promote the health and well-being of our society. Here’s a new newsletter segment that dives deeper into technological implementations that are actively making life faster, better, and cheaper for our brothers and sisters.

HonorHealth is first healthcare provider in Arizona to perform leading-edge treatment for patients with complex aortic aneurysms using 3D image guided solution

Honor Health is a leading healthcare system in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area and is actually the first healthcare system in Arizona to use Optic RealShape technology to treat patients with complex aortic aneurysms. This state-of-the-art technology generates a 3D color image of the anatomy of a person. This allows the surgeon to navigate more accurately through the patient’s body. Previously, they would use a 2D x-ray for the procedure. With this new technology, not only can the operation be done more accurately, but also faster and with less recovery time for the patient. 

Empowering tomorrow: NSF’s role in advancing AI-Driven STEM research

The IGE program at the University of Arizona is on the path to completely change the mathematics program by incorporating AI. This undertaking will revolutionize STEM education and overhaul applied mathematics (AM) curriculum, bringing the curriculum closer to contemporary needs in national security and industrial applications. The main goal of this program is to produce skilled researchers that can take on complex issues. This also has the potential to entice more people into the STEM field. With more students learning to think more critically, they are better equipped to create solutions that benefit society.  

Two receptors are better than one for AI-designed obesity drugs

AI is transforming the way scientists are able to create increasingly more effective obesity drugs. Machine-learning modules were able to show a higher success rate with controlling weight when two receptors are targeted. The machine was able to create new peptides that would activate GLP-1 receptors, GCG receptors, or even both of them. The result was with “peptides that switched on both receptors activated them up to 7 times more effectively than the most powerful of the 125 peptides used to train the model.” With increased AI machine learning, this could yield even better results. 

Schweikert Suggests...
This week, I'm highlighting a question from Mr. Lester P. in Phoenix. He asks...
"What is the source of this alleged 26% inflation?"
The 26% rise in inflation mentioned in some of my House Floor speeches and newsletters comes directly from math calculated by the economists on our Joint Economic Committee Republican Staff utilizing the latest data released from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and more specifically, the Consumer Price Index with a specific scope on the Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale area. Schweikert suggests, if you have any interest in diving deeper into how inflation has impacted other facets of AZ-01, to view the Committee's pocket card that further outlines cost increases. 
Do you have any general questions that I can help answer? Do not hesitate to reach out to my offices at (202) 225-2190 or (480) 946-2411.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update on my latest work in Washington, D.C. and Arizona’s First Congressional District! If you have any comments or concerns, I encourage you to reach out to my office.





David Schweikert


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