District Update July 16, 2024     


Dear ,

Political Violence Has No Place in America.

I want to start off by saying that political violence has never, nor will it ever have a place in America. Joyce and I send our prayers to President Trump, his family, and the family of the rally attendee whose life was tragically taken. 


I hope you and your family remain safe during these unprecedented times. Below, please find a few updates on my work last week for the residents of Arizona’s First Congressional District.

Congress Needs to Stop Being Afraid of the Things That Disrupt the Cost of Government

Click here or on the image above to review my full remarks from last week’s speech.

During my House floor speech last week, I highlighted errors in the presidents' claim that the federal government can prevent the Social Security Trust Fund from exhaustion by simply raising taxes The reality is we have a far more difficult math problem that will require several creative solutions. Let me start off by saying that we can't even use a metric as low as 1% to calculate cost-savings; the economists with the Joint Economic Committee had to double the number to 2%, and even then, the shortfall remains massive. Americans deserve to know the truth about the math, and I am committed to working with my colleagues to find solutions and deliver the intellectual honesty you deserve.

Breaking Battlegrounds Podcast


I had the privilege of being a guest on the Breaking Battlegrounds podcast, where I joined my friend Chuck Warren to discuss the brutal realities of the future of crucial government programs. I referred back to the president in my House floor speech last week when he told the American people that his plan to raise taxes on the rich by 1% will ultimately save social security. To put our spending in perspective, if the president told the public that he was planning on raising the cap by 12.4%, that would only cover 38% of the shortfall. I'm grateful to Chuck for giving me a platform to show how I've been trying to save Social Security with a calculator, and not my feelings. Click here to listen to the full segment.

Recognizing Some Amazing Citizens of AZ-01

Photos from AZ-01's very own Linda Kempster, a "proud daughter and wife of Air Force officers" at the monument, which honors the 740th tank division in regard to leadership of Lt. Col. George Rubel from Phoenix.

This winter marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge when Adolph Hitler sent his best tankers, led by Kampfgruppe Peiper, to defeat Americans in the Ardennes on December 16, 1944. What many of you may not recognize is that the fearless leader of the 740th Tank Battalion, who defeated Hitler's "last stand", was a hero from Arizona.

Lt. Col. George K. Rubel took command of the 740th Tank Battalion with a goal to turn the battalion into the best tankers in the U.S. Army. Lieutenant General Courtney M. Hodges, commanding the U.S. First Army occupied the only remaining unit of armor, which happened to be codenamed "Daredevil", and from that point on, the battalion was referenced as the 'Daredevils'.

"Lt. Col. Rubel’s 740th Tank Battalion accounted for 69 enemy tanks destroyed, including 17 Tiger and Tiger IIs. The Daredevils also smashed or captured hundreds of cannon and combat vehicles. They even shot up 200 airplanes, most of them caught on the ground when the battalion overran an airfield at Hagenow," (Warfare History Network).

Rubel was also a very accurate rifleman while competing with the Army installation here in Phoenix. Lt. Col. Rubel was a war hero who lived and died in Phoenix. His fearless leadership has shaped history in ways that we can never repay.

Looking at the Monthly Treasury Statement




Gross Interest


Table 3 Line 37

Net Interest


Table 9 Line 34

Social Security


Table 9 Line 30



Table 9 Line 17



Table 9 Line 28



Table 5 Line 217

Last month, the U.S. Treasury released June's Monthly Treasury Statement. Notably, the Net Interest expenses now exceed Defense outlays over the first nine months of the fiscal year. The U.S. Department of Treasury lists the deficit for the first nine months of the fiscal year at $1.268 trillion. This is just below the $1.275 trillion that the Congressional Budget Office estimated in its monthly budget review released July 9. 

You can get daily updates on numbers like these from my exclusive Daily Debt Monitor, which you can subscribe to for free to experience the same monetary madness that I often speak about. This text message sends a comprehensive chart to your mobile device daily, outlining the rapid rise of our national debt. 

What's the Update on the Southern Border? 


From an update released by the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector Chief John Modlin, Fiscal Year 2024 continues to set records for the number federal criminal cases accepted in the Tucson sector alone. Customs and Border Patrol Port Director for Nogales revealed that there have been over two million fentanyl pills seized at the Southern border– solely in the month of June. Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol Jason Owens shared that over $500,000 worth of liquid methamphetamine was intercepted in in El Centro, CA. I'm continually working on initiatives that work to keep Arizonans safe from the consequences of our border crisis, such as my legislation to expedite treatments and cures for those suffering from opioid use disorder. 

What I’m Reading & Why It Matters


Chemists have created a new paint that can both clean itself as well as remove pollutants from the air simultaneously. The paint contains titanium oxide nanoparticles that react to ultraviolet light, which causes pollutants to break down in the atmosphere. Researchers from the American Chemical Society Catalysis have developed a paint that can use UV rays from ordinary sunlight. Better yet, it was discovered that the paint can be created from entirely recycled materials. During lab testing, the paint has shown to remove up to 96% of pollutants added to the paint’s surface. 

Samsung is taking on Apple in the wearable-technology space with a new smart ring. The ring will have the ability to track key health metrics and last up to a week on a single charge. This device will cost $400 and is expected to be a disruption in the health gadget industry.

Schweikert Suggests...
This week, I'm highlighting a question from Mr. Carrie S. from Mesa. She asks...
"What initiatives are in place to support job creation and economic development in our district?"
Our office can provide information on federal programs, grants, and partnerships aimed at stimulating economic growth and creating job opportunities locally. Schweikert Suggests
Do you have any general questions that I can help answer? Do not hesitate to reach out to my offices at (202) 225-2190 or (480) 946-2411.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update on my latest work in Washington, D.C. and Arizona’s First Congressional District! If you have any comments or concerns, I encourage you to reach out to my office.





David Schweikert


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