Congresswoman Lesko Weekly Update

Good Afternoon,

This week, I was back in Washington, D.C. for a series of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives! I joined Congressman Jodey Arrington (R-TX-19) and my Republican colleagues to address the invasion at our southern border. President Biden’s open border policies have emboldened criminal cartels to traffic migrants and deadly drugs across our border. This is a shameful dereliction of duty.


Arizona is proud to be home to AmSafe, which is the world’s leading supplier of aircraft restraint systems! While I was back in Arizona last weekend, I had a wonderful time visiting their facility in Phoenix, AZ to learn more about their operations.



In the News

I want to make sure that you don’t miss a minute of what I’m doing to fight for Arizonans each and every day. Check out some of my latest interviews below. 


As a result of the Biden Administration's terrible energy policies, Americans are facing outrageous energy prices, making it difficult for them to make ends meet. Watch my interview on Newsmax where I discuss the Biden Administration’s insane war on American energy!

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Lesko Stands Up for the Preborn

House Democrats’ Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act is beyond extreme and permits abortions for ANY reason up until birth. We must protect the right to life for the most defenseless among us, preborn babies. Watch my full remarks below:

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I opposed House Democrats’ H.R. 8297, which threatens women’s rights and safety! This bill removes medical supervision requirements for women taking chemical abortion pills that could result in the woman’s death. We must do better to protect women and girls. Watch my full remarks below:

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Lesko Introduces Legislation to Protect School Meal Programs from Woke Gender Ideology

I introduced the Protecting Kids, Protecting Lunches Act to ensure the USDA does not make funding for school meal programs conditional on promoting the Far-Left’s gender ideology. Schools should not be forced to allow boys in girls’ bathrooms as a requirement for receiving funds for children in need.


Lesko Joins Legislation to Curb Illegal Migration at the Southern Border

OVER 2.9 MILLION illegal immigrants have crossed our border since President Biden took office. I’m a cosponsor of Congressman Chip Roy's (R-TX-21) Border Safety and Security Act to give the Department of Homeland Security the power to suspend the entry of illegal immigrants into our nation to gain operational control over our border.


GET THE FACTS: Democrats Continue Their War on the Most Vulnerable

This week, House Democrats rammed through two radical abortion bills, H.R. 8296, the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, and H.R. 8297, that are part of their extreme agenda to nationalize abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy.

House Democrats' Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act, H.R. 8296, allows for abortions up until the moment of birth. This legislation is not at all in line with the will of the American people. In fact, 80% of Americans say abortion should be illegal in the third trimester. Life begins at conception. By 5 weeks, a baby in the womb has a heartbeat. Additionally, this bill allows for discriminatory abortions on the basis of a baby's sex, race, and disability. This bill also erodes existing state laws that protect the right to life for preborn babies that have taken effect since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision.

House Democrats also passed H.R. 8297, a hastily crafted bill that undermines the health and safety of mothers in the name of the Far-Left’s abortion agenda. This bill includes a terrible loophole that allows human traffickers to transport minors and victims across state lines and force them to have abortions. H.R. 8297 also eliminates medical supervision requirements for mothers who are prescribed chemical abortion pills. The Federal Drug Administration deems these pills as high-risk, as they can cause intense pain, infection, severe bleeding, and even death. This endangers mothers who experience these terrible side effects but do not have a doctor to provide immediate medical care. I will continue to advocate for women, girls, and their preborn babies and oppose House Democrats’ extremist abortion agenda!


Around the District 

Monica from our office presented a Congressional Recognition to August Heiss for his years of volunteer work, including supporting veterans and donating a fire truck to a fire department! Thank you for all of your dedication to our community!


Monica from our office toured Huhtamaki’s production facility in Goodyear, AZ! Arizona is proud to be home to this global manufacturer of sustainable food packaging.


Casework Highlight

A constituent contacted our office since he was receiving bills from a provider that the Veterans Affairs (VA) should have been covering under authorized care. After we contacted the VA, we were able to get the medical bills paid by the VA and saved the veteran thousands of dollars!

Encouraging Story

I am pleased to share this story about Arizona Helping Hands, a nonprofit that provides school supplies to foster children. Their mission is to make it easier for foster children to fully focus on studying and alleviate the financial struggles that many loving foster families are facing under sky-high inflation. It is wonderful to see organizations like Arizona Helping Hands stepping up to help children in need and set them up for success! 


Mobile Office Hours

Our office is hosting Mobile Office Hours on July 28, 2022, at the Surprise, AZ City Hall from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM AZ Time. Our casework team is ready to answer your questions and assist you with federal agencies.


Military Academy Nominations

Are you interested in attending a Military Service Academy? Applications for Service Academy Nominations are now open! The deadline for this year’s Service Academy Nominations is October 28, 2022. Visit my website or click here to learn more and apply!

Congressional App Challenge

Submissions for the Congressional App Challenge are now open to all middle and high school students! The Congressional App Challenge is a competition to encourage students to engage in coding and computer science. App submissions are due by November 1, 2022. Winning apps will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol! Register today and submit your app here.

We are Here to Help

As always, my office is here to help. My Surprise district office is open and serving constituents. To make an appointment with the office, please call 623-776-7911.

My Washington, D.C. office is open and answering your calls. Please feel free to contact us via phone at 202-225-4576 or via email by going to my website at

I encourage you to visit the website and to also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, ParlerGettr, and Truth Social, and like my Facebook page for up to date information on what I'm doing and how my office can help you.

May God continue to bless you and our great Nation.


Congresswoman Debbie Lesko

