Dear Friend, 

After a busy week in Congress, I’m back home in eastern Connecticut and here with an update on landmark bipartisan wins in Congress, workers seeing pay raises thanks to unions, and more. As always, thanks for starting your weekend here with me. 

Bipartisan Passage of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act

On Thursday, the House completed final passage of the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act. This came after a careful, months-long assessment of our national security needs and productive bipartisan work. As Ranking Member of the Seapower Subcommitttee, I worked hard to secure historic investments in the submarine industrial base workforce that are essential to eastern Connecticut as well as the future success of the AUKUS security agreement.


For eastern Connecticut, the FY24 NDAA bill will help maintain our region’s role as the submarine capitol of the world and strengthen the nationwide submarine industrial base. It authorizes full funding for both the Virginia-class and Columbia-class programs – and provides the Navy with the authority to exceed the two-per-year build rate for Virginia-class submarines. That’s coupled with continued, steady investments in submarine suppliers, shipyard infrastructure, and workforce development initiatives.

Importantly, the bill included a 5.2% pay raise for troops as well as additional plus ups to benefits like the basic housing allowance which will help the thousands of servicemembers right here in eastern Connecticut.

The inclusion of the historic AUKUS provisions in the NDAA will rebalance deterrence in the Indo-Pacific in favor of free, democratic nations that today are being pressurized by the aggressive actions of the world’s biggest Navy, namely the Chinese Navy. The intent of AUKUS is to guarantee the peace and freedom of navigation that has prevailed in that part of the world for the last 78 years. This year’s NDAA will be long remembered for this effort.

Unfortunately, House Republicans have adjourned the House without allowing a vote on supplemental funding for the tools and equipment Ukraine needs to stop Putin’s illegal invasion. As I’ve shared with you before, the consequences of failure in Ukraine would be devastating to all nations. I know from my time on the House Armed Services Committee that anything less than full-throated support for Ukraine plays directly into Putin’s hand.    

House passage of the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act.

Passage of the NDAA by a margin of 310-118 should serve as a reminder to House Republican leadership that the path forward in this Congress is bipartisan compromise. We must return to that path to ensure Ukraine’s success, and the defeat of Putin and his regime, in this fight.

Workers Seeing Pay Raises Thanks to Unions

Last Saturday, I caught up with a big crowd at Teamsters Local 493's monthly meeting in Montville. There’s terrific momentum right now for organized labor. Teamsters just secured an outstanding labor contract with UPS, and Teamsters Local 493 member Rob Hill served on the Metal Trades Council in negotiations with Electric Boat on the new, historic 5-year labor contract. During the meeting, we discussed those wins and how organized labor will continue to ensure eastern Connecticut's economic growth benefits our middle-class families.


These contracts are guaranteeing good wages and benefits for workers and their families in eastern Connecticut. New employees at UPS will see a 48 percent wage increase and the starting salary for new employees at Electric Boat will jump from $20.59/hour to $43.21/hour. These wins would not be possible without unions. It’s no wonder that 70% of Americans approve of labor unions (an all time high!) and more and more workers are considering joining one.

Supporting Small Business Growth

Three years ago, local shops and restaurants were hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Federal resources from the American Rescue Plan, which I voted to pass in 2021, helped them hang on and bounce back. Now, our towns are putting additional Rescue Plan funds to use to help small businesses thrive in eastern Connecticut’s growing economy. 


On Monday, I joined New London Mayor Michael Passero, City Economic Development Coordinator Elizabeth Nocera, and Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce President Tony Sheridan for a visit to the restaurant Wings ‘n’ Pies in downtown New London. Earlier this month, New London’s Office of Economic Development and Planning began accepting applications for its Small B.I.G. (Business Improvement Grant) Program funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act. 

The grants will provide funding to New London’s existing small businesses to encourage economic resilience. Wings N’ Pies is located in an over 80 year old building, and owners Edwin Ramos and Soila Chacha are looking to use this opportunity to upgrade the restaurant’s HVAC system.

More Bipartisan Wins: Lowering Drug Costs, Workforce Training, & Whole Milk

In addition to passing the National Defense Authorization Act this week, I want to highlight a few more bipartisan wins I helped secured amid a divided Congress.

On Monday, the House passed the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, which included legislation I introduced with Congresswoman Erin Houchin (R-IN) to shine a light on the fees Americans pay at the pharmacy counter. Our bill requires the middlemen who set prescription drug costs, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, to discloses their business practices. This is one of the most hidden and costly elements of our health care system. As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, “sunlight is the best disinfectant” to fight corruption.


On Tuesday, I joined my colleagues on the House Education and Workforce Committee to advance two bipartisan bills which will bring overdue investment to successful workforce training programs. Federal resources through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act have fueled the success of the CT’s Eastern Workforce Investment Board’s (EWIB) Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative – which has graduated 4,000 trainees into high-quality careers since 2016. The bipartisan Stronger Workforce for America Act and the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act advanced this week would expand training opportunities to more learners and ensure employers can access high-quality candidates for years to come. Skills training is the backbone of eastern Connecticut’s growing economy, and these bills will keep growth strong.

Finally, on Wednesday, the House passed the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act, which will allow for schools to offer students whole milk alongside other types of milk in school lunches. As co-chair of the bipartisan Dairy Caucus and a fierce advocate for more options in the lunch line, I am a strong supporter of this update.

Catching Up Naval Academy Midshipmen During Their 458-Mile Run

Before the Army-Navy game last Saturday, my team and I had the chance to meet with Naval Academy midshipmen on their traditional game ball run.

Willimantic Fire Chief Marc Scrivener coordinated with Luke Sweeney to host 50 of his fellow midshipmen while they ran 10-mile relays across eastern Connecticut – one of the final stretches in the 458-mile journey from Annapolis to Foxborough. Despite a loss on the field in Saturday’s game, these midshipmen completed a record feat in the 2023 game ball run – all while sleeping on floors and in sleeping bags across the east coast.


Thank you for taking some time to read my update. If we can be of any assistance, don't hesitate to give my Norwich office a call at (860) 886-0139. Have a great weekend!


Joe Courtney
Member of Congress

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