Dear Friend,
Broadband internet is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, participate in school learning, stay connected, and receive health care. The pandemic has made it clear that reliable internet is integral to daily life, particularly in rural areas like the Northwest Corner of the Fifth District of Connecticut.
Last week, I joined the U.S. Department of Treasury to announce Connecticut will receive $41 million through the Coronavirus Capital Project Fund. The Capital Project Fund provides funds from the American Rescue Plan to states, freely associated states, and Tribal governments for critical capital projects that directly enable work, education, and health monitoring, including remote options, in response to the public health emergency. These projects can also include reliable, affordable broadband infrastructure and other digital connectivity projects.
This investment is sure to improve the lives of residents of the Fifth District of Connecticut. As recently as 2018, only 79% of households in Connecticut’s Northwest corner had access to wired broadband service. 20% had access to a wired connection that does not meet the FCC’s definition for broadband, and those connections are not upgradable.
The Capital Project Fund will expand internet coverage to 10,000 new locations. Additionally, as a recipient of funding through the Capital Project Fund, Connecticut will participate in the FCC Affordability Connectivity Program (ACP) which provides a discount of up to $30 per month on broadband bills for eligible households. For more information on the Affordability Connectivity Program, please click here.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. As always, please continue to share your thoughts and priorities with me. To hear more about my work in Congress, subscribe to my newsletter here.
Jahana Hayes
Member of Congress