I am honored to share our Year End Report with you. As your Congressman, I have created thousands of good paying jobs, increased access to healthcare, and expanded federal programs to help our community and safeguard our Democracy.
Click here to view my Year End Report.
My staff and I worked hard to deliver results to you and your family. As such, we provided financial assistance, awarded scholarships, coordinated free COVID-19 testing, provided food assistance, secured home mortgage relief, and supported our frontline workers.
In addition, we secured $120 million to help our veterans, $80 million for scholarships for students to attend African American 1890's Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, and $380 million in funding for new roads and interstate highways.
I humbly appreciate you allowing me to continue making progress in our community and be your strong voice in the United States Congress.
And, as always, whenever my staff and I can help you, please call on me.

Congressman David Scott |