Congressman David Scott Statement on Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congressman David Scott (GA-13) issued the following statement after receiving his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine this afternoon:
Congressman David Scott pictured receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Today I received the COVID-19 vaccine at the direction of the House Attending Physician. I thank God for sending this badly needed vaccine to help us bring an end to this COVID-19 pandemic.
“Now we must all roll up our sleeves and do our part to end this pandemic by getting vaccinated as the vaccine becomes more widely available. This vaccine brings hope and will help saves lives and get us to the other side of the pandemic.
“Everybody— every race, every creed, every color— we’re all in this together. But, we will not be able to end this pandemic if we don’t all do our part. Each of our lives is depending on all of us doing the right thing—by taking the vaccine, wearing masks, and following social distancing guidelines.”
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