I hope all is well with you and your family. From our pursuits to safeguard voting rights to new resources for Georgia students and homeowners, January presented many new opportunities to get the year started on the right note:
All Americans Are Now Eligible to Order (4) Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order four free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free, and all orders ship in approximately 7-12 days. I encourage you to order your tests as early as possible so you have them when needed.
As we continue to work to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our communities, it is imperative that we get tested as soon as possible if symptoms arise or if you or your family have been in contact with someone experiencing symptoms or anyone who has tested positive. Learn more about what to do if you test positive here.
Ready to order? Visit to get started.
Seeking a COVID-19 vaccination? Please click here to learn more.
Congressman David Scott, GA DCA Commissioner Christopher Nunn and Local Leaders Unveil New Mortgage Assistance Program
For millions across the country and thousands right here in metro-Atlanta struggling to make ends meet and stay afloat on their mortgage payments due to COVID-19, help is here.
Applications for the Georgia Homeowner Assistance Fund, a $354 million stimulus I led in Congress to help homeowners impacted by the pandemic with mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures and past-due utilities are open now!
Over the past few months, I have worked closely alongside DCA Commissioner Christopher Nunn and community partners to connect Georgia homeowners in crisis with their share of the $10 billion Homeownership Assistance Fund that I was proud to sponsor in Congress last year.
With the launch of the new homeowners’ assistance portal, thanks to our federal-state collaboration, Georgia’s working and middle-class homeowners who had a stroke of bad luck last year due to COVID-19 will be able to remain in the communities they love.
Need help applying? Please visit or call 770-806-2100 for more info.
Seeking rental assistance? Please visit or call 833-827-7368 to learn more.
A Path Forward For Voting Rights Legislation and Filibuster Reform in the Senate
Congress continues to weigh legislation to protect voting rights, especially in Black communities, but recent attacks from state legislatures across the nation make it all the more vital that we continue to make our voices heard. As the bedrock of Democracy, it is our responsibility as Americans to protect those rights that are deemed inalienable. Last month, I joined Roland Martin to urge Congress to support President Joe Biden's call for filibuster reform in the Senate and act on a path forward to pass voting rights legislation.
Applications for Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Scholarships Are Now Open
Want to learn more? Please click here or call 202-263-2800. |
Each year my office awards the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Spouses Education Scholarship to students in Georgia's Thirteenth District. Applications are now open! Please find additional details about application requirements and deadlines here. There are also a host of other opportunities available from CBCF that can be found on their website.
The 2021 scholarship cycle was a tremendous success, providing Black scholars over $4 million in financial support to help them continue or complete their degree program. I am looking forward to another great year of providing resources for Black scholars across the country!
Interested students who intend to pursue full-time undergraduate, graduate or doctoral degrees should apply online at
Please continue to stay safe and know that my staff and I are here to assist you whenever you need us. Thank you for staying in touch with me, and I look forward to continuing to serve you and your family.
Congressman David Scott