
It is my greatest honor to represent Michigan's 10th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. I am here to serve you, my constituent. If you need any help with a federal agency, or want to share your opinion, please reach out to my office.

Fighting for Selfridge


This week, I met with Acting Secretary of the United States Air Force John Roth to discuss what opportunities we can bring to Selfridge. I'm disappointed the Air Force did not choose Selfridge to house the Singapore F-35's. I will never stop fighting for our base and working to find resources to bring back to Selfridge.

Calling Out Double Standards


Once again we saw Speaker Pelosi and the House Democrats flash their double standards in the House. It is despicable that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is allowed to sit on the Foreign Affairs Committee after spewing anti-Semitic, anti-American remarks while Congresswoman Marjorie Greene was removed from her Committees for things she said before being elected.

Speaker Pelosi doesn't care about the "standards" she has set, she only cares about her power. She will do anything to ensure she does not lose any control. This proves once again the left is never really outraged by anyone's rhetoric. If the Democrats didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

Celebrating the U.S. Army


On Monday, the United States Army celebrated their 246th birthday. Our entire nation is eternally grateful for all those who have served and defended our country. I was proud to host liaisons from the Army on Monday to praise them and provide them with cake.


Questioning Secretary Becerra


On Wednesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra testified before the Education and Labor Committee.

I'm disappointed that Secretary Becerra refused to acknowledge there's a crisis at the border. The Department of Health and Human Services has diverted $2 Billion to their facilities at the border, but the Secretary won't say there is a crisis happening. If there is no crisis, than why are we diverting billions that were to be spent on the response to the COVID pandemic. Does this mean the pandemic is over?

The numbers don't lie. More than 180,000 illegal aliens crossed our southwest border in May, a 21-year high. It is past time we finish the wall, reinstate the remain in Mexico policy and end this border crisis.

COVID-19 Vaccine Locations

Many communities have more locations for people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Visit one of the following links to find the closest vaccine location to you.

Macomb County Health Department

St. Clair County Health Department

Sanilac County Health Department

Lapeer County Health Department

Tuscola County Health Department

Huron County Health Department

I am honored to serve in Washington as your Representative and look forward to bringing meaningful change for the American people. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @RepLisaMcClain to keep up to date on everything going on in Washington and Michigan's 10th District.


Lisa McClain
Member of Congress