News from Congressman Brad Finstad

Weekly Update from Congressman Brad Finstad | February 3, 2023

This Week in Washington

Watch here for an update on what's been going on in Congress this week. 

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Ag, Armed Services Subcommittee Appointments

This week, I was appointed to serve as the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Nutrition, Foreign Agriculture, and Horticulture for the House Agriculture Committee. As one of very few active farmers currently serving in Congress, I am humbled and honored to have the opportunity to lead the important work of this subcommittee. 

Since my first day in Congress, it has been my top priority to make sure our rural and agriculture communities have a seat at the table in Washington, and I will continue to be a strong advocate for the world-class agriculture we have in the United States.

Additionally, I was named to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel and the Subcommittee on Readiness for the House Armed Services Committee. I am honored to serve on two respected subcommittees that oversee many important aspects of our nation’s defense. Each of these subcommittees focuses on critical issues that will be essential to strengthening America’s national security, both at home and abroad. 

Read my statements on these appointments here

Visiting with MN-01 Leaders

It was great to meet with leaders of our Minnesota rural electric cooperatives while they were in D.C. this week. As we approach the reauthorization of the Farm Bill, it is critical we continue our work to ensure families, ag producers, and small businesses have access to reliable rural broadband throughout farm country.

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It was also a pleasure to meet so many bright students from Austin, MN who were in town for the CADCA Leadership Conference. I enjoyed answering all of their questions and hearing about their student experiences.


Increasing Global Competitiveness for
Southern Minnesota Farmers

Also this week, I proudly signed on as an original cosponsor to the Agriculture Export Promotion Act, introduced by Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) which makes investments in the Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program, both of which are essential tools for Minnesota’s agricultural economy.

Strong trade promotion policies are critical for farm country, and the U.S. economy as a whole. Targeted investments in these programs will strengthen our farm, food, and national security by opening opportunities for our producers to compete on a global stage.

Read more about the Agriculture Export Promotion Act here

Protecting Election Integrity in Minnesota

This week, I joined the Chairman of the Committee on House Administration and my Minnesota Republican colleagues in sending a letter to Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon asking how his office plans to investigate claims that DACA recipients and other non-citizens are voting in Minnesota’s elections. 
Minnesota voters deserve to have confidence in their elections, which means assurance from the Secretary of State that ballots are cast only by those who are eligible to vote.

The House Floor This Week

PASSED - H.R. 298, the Expanding Access to Capital for Rural Job Creators Act; requires the SEC to report to Congress on challenges faced by rural small businesses

PASSEDH.R. 582, the Credit Union Board Modernization Act; legislation I am proud to cosponsor which makes common-sense changes to burdensome regulations on our rural credit unions

PASSED - H.R. 382, the Pandemic is Over Act; terminates the public health emergency declared with respect to COVID-19

PASSED - H.R. 497, the Freedom for Health Care Workers Act; eliminates the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on health care providers 

PASSED - H.R. 139, the SHOW UP Act; requires federal agencies to return to pre-pandemic telework policies

ADOPTED - H.CON.RES. 9, Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism; denounces socialism in all its forms and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States of America


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