News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

We’re back in Washington this week, and I look forward to giving everyone an update during my town hall tonight. We will begin at 7PM CT and focus on providing resources for Minnesotans seeking mental health care. Read on to learn about how to join!


All topics are open for discussion, however, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we will focus our attention on improving mental health care services and policy. I’ll be joined by an expert from the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center and the Recovery Coordinator from the St. Cloud VA. They will be able to assist with a variety of concerns for Minnesotans seeking care for mental health challenges.

I hope you will join us for another successful telephone town hall, and you can learn more about how to participate by visiting my website here!

Supporting Mental Health Care Access

Over the past year, all of our routines have shifted as life as we knew it changed dramatically. With these changes, many of us began struggling with new mental health challenges, or saw existing issues worsen.

Last week, I participated in a roundtable with the Mental Health Caucus to highlight many of our important efforts in this area. For starters, we discussed a letter I wrote to House appropriators asking the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to publish a report on the impact of repealing the Institution for Mental Disease (IMD) exclusion.

The current exclusion prohibits the use of federal Medicaid financing for care provided to patients in mental health and substance use disorder residential treatment facilities larger than 16 beds and for longer than 15 days.

This Congress, I reintroduced the Expanding Access to Inpatient Mental Health Act, a bill designed to address the limitations the IMD exclusion creates. This rule is an arbitrary cap on mental health services which has served as a barrier for individuals seeking the care and treatment they need.


The Expanding Access to Inpatient Mental Health Act would eliminate the 15-day cap for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP) beneficiaries receiving care in an IMD. This would allow individuals to receive care for the appropriate amount of time required to treat their mental illness.

We need to get people the proper care for the appropriate amount of time they need it, and we need to do it now. Eliminating the IMD exclusion will improve access to quality mental health services for the most vulnerable in our society. Medicaid-eligible individuals struggling with mental health challenges need their treatment covered just like individuals facing physical health issues. It's time we understand the full impact of the exclusion—and work to eliminate it.

Mental Health Resources:

  • See a toolkit of COVID-19 specific mental health FAQs from the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
  • Those struggling with addiction and substance abuse can access remote support: Access free and confidential online chat service focused on suicide prevention on
    • Loved ones of those with addiction issues can visit Al-Anon’s website for resources.
  • Many Minnesota mental health providers are offering telehealth services. Learn more from Minnesota Mental Health Clinics.
  • Parents of children with mental health issues can reference this list of county-specific children’s crisis mental health hotlines.

If you or someone you know are in immediate need or distress, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). Veterans and Service members can also contact the Veterans Crisis Line by pressing 1 after dialing, chatting online at, or texting 838255.

Additional Important Contacts:

  • Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline: (651) 201-3920
  • Disaster Distress Hotline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66-746
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
  • Free Crisis Text Line: text “MN” to 741741

Seeking Clear Accounting Guidelines for Cryptocurrency

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I’ve focused on finding ways that financial technology can revolutionize the way we bank and transact with one another.

As the leading Republican on the Committee’s Task Force on Financial Technology,  our work is focused on identifying ways the government can act as a facilitator – instead of a roadblock – for fintech to improve the financial services industry and bridge the gap for those struggling financially.

Last week, I sent a letter to Chairman Richard Jones of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) urging the establishment of improved accounting standards for companies with digital assets.

Currently, these standards have not yet been developed for bitcoin holdings, and uniform accounting standards are needed to provide companies and stakeholders the necessary clarity to confidently engage with these assets. I believe in the growth of digital assets and the revolutionary impact this technology will have. If our institutions do not keep pace, engagement with digital assets will stall.

If we provide clear and appropriate accounting standards, companies will be able to better reflect the value of their digital asset holdings on their balance sheets and provide investors and stakeholders with more transparency. You can read more about my letter here.

APPLY NOW: Young Women’s Leadership Program

Each year my office hosts the Young Women’s Leadership Program (YWLP) to honor the outstanding women who are making history every day in our community and to help build up skills for the future success of the young women that will follow them.

YWLP is a program where we invite high schoolers from Minnesota’s Sixth District to learn from women leaders from around our great state. The roundtable discussions will give participants the opportunity to hear and learn from accomplished women on their career experiences and provide advice to future generations.


If you know a young woman in high school looking to get ahead, this program is for them. They will get a unique opportunity to learn from and engage with some of Minnesota’s top female leaders. These women have done it before: negotiated their first salary, networked with colleagues in their field, successfully navigated and broken through traditionally male-dominated professions, managed the work/life balance, and so much more. Apply NOW through May 28th by clicking here!

Overall, the Young Women’s Leadership Program is a terrific opportunity for constituents to gain valuable leadership skills and career advice during a pivotal time in their lives. We will be conducting the program virtually and safely this summer.

Apply here by May 28, 2021

  • WHO: Young women in high school (9th-12th grade) living in the Sixth Congressional District of Minnesota.
    • 8th graders going into 9th grade and graduating 12th graders are welcome.
  • WHAT: An opportunity to meet professional women working in the state of Minnesota. These leaders work in various career fields related to government, business, and education.
  • WHEN:  Three events, one in June, July, and August. Dates to be announced!
  • WHERE: Virtually!

Until next week, if you are in need of assistance or would like to share your thoughts with me, please write me an e-mail here.

To keep up with what we’re doing in Washington, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!


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