News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

I always enjoy my time traveling around Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District. These last few weeks spent in the district were full of discussions about how we can spur economic growth, keep our communities safe, and preserve our right to self-determination.

As we head back to Washington this week, read on to learn about what we are working on…

ICYMI: Police reform, Cryptocurrency, and more on WCCO TV

On Sunday, I joined Esme Murphy on WCCO TV to talk about a few of the issues currently being discussed in Congress.


Watch the interview on WCCO TV HERE.

Among several topics, we discussed the ongoing conversation around police reform, which I believe should focus on strengthening the community-law enforcement relationship. In Minnesota, we have outstanding examples of how best to do this, like the St. Cloud Police Department’s work to invest in a Community OutPost, or a “COP House.”

The “COP House” brings law enforcement and residents of the local community together in a way that helps build trust and rapport. I talked to Esme about the success of this initiative and the bill I introduced, which would make this effort a national federal pilot program.

You can read more about the Community OutPost Outreach and Engagement Act here, and read a feature opinion about St. Cloud’s COP House in Bloomberg News here.

Defending Rural America from Federal Overreach

The Waters of the United States rule, often referred to as “WOTUS,” was proposed in June of 2014 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers. The effort sought to give federal agencies greater regulatory powers over bodies of water, like streams and wetlands, which greatly expands their authority beyond the limits approved by Congress. This overreach added another layer of federal bureaucracy on millions of Americans and in some cases, threatened the livelihoods of farmers, ranchers, and business owners across the nation.

WOTUS is a prime example of the type of sweeping regulation instituted by the Obama Administration; it expands the size, scope, and authority of the Executive branch. We can all agree that we should be good stewards of our land and waterways, but that goal cannot come at the expense of our nation’s farmers, manufacturers, and home builders.


I opposed the Obama Administration’s attempts to implement the WOTUS rule and was pleased when the Trump Administration repealed it in 2020. The Trump Administrations' work to repeal and replace WOTUS with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule was a more targeted effort to help improve the quality of our environment while providing clarity and predictability for Americans.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has announced they are not only officially reopening the definition of WOTUS but will likely remand the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule through the court process. I’ll continue to fight for local land management and against efforts to give the federal government more control over Minnesotans' natural resources.

Celebrating and Supporting Medical Innovation!

The National Marrow Donor Program, more popularly known as “Be The Match,” is headquartered in Minnesota. In order for Be The Match to continue its operations and support transplant patients and donors worldwide, they need funding reauthorization from the federal government every five years. This program has become a worldwide service and has facilitated more than 100,000 cell transplants with marrow, blood stem cells, and cord blood. Be The Match has grown to a point where this once small and unknown Minnesota entity now conducts nearly 6,200 transplants a year.


Watch my Floor Speech on the TRANSPLANT Act HERE.

The TRANSPLANT Act, which I co-sponsored, reauthorizes the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program and supports patients who need a potentially life-saving bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant. Recently, it was signed into law after passing the House Floor in April with my support!


I have had the privilege of touring Be The Match in Minneapolis and seeing firsthand the amazing work they do. I was proud to support continued funding for their efforts and will continue to do anything I can to help them provide these life-saving efforts.

Until next week, if you are in need of assistance or would like to share your thoughts with me, please write me an e-mail here.

To keep up with what we’re doing in Washington, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!


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