News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

I hope you enjoyed Labor Day weekend with family and friends. As we head back to school, work, and our daily routines – It’s important that we take the time to look ahead and reflect on the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.

Even in our darkest days, I am comforted by the simple truth that America remains a bastion of freedom and opportunity for all. This weekend - two decades ago - our country was faced with an unfathomable act of terror and the loss of 2,996 American lives.

To the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters who never returned home to their loved ones, we remember you. To the first responders and countless heroes who rushed into danger to save their fellow Americans, we are grateful for you.

Our work continues, but we must always take the time to return and reflect on the moments in America’s history where we come together in unity. We will always remember the names of Tom Burnett Jr, Gary Koecheler, and Gordy Aamoth Jr. - our fellow Minnesotans who were lost on that tragic day.

Fighting for Working Minnesotans

As most Minnesotans know, Line 3 is a thousand-mile pipeline that has connected oil fields in Canada with refineries throughout the Midwest since the 1960s. For years it has needed repairs, and Minnesota workers are in the process of building 330 miles of rerouted replacement pipeline to meet our nation’s demand for fuel.

This project has provided thousands of good paying union jobs, and yet, a few of my colleagues from Washington came to Minnesota on Labor Day weekend to protest this project and the hardworking members completing it. 


Not only that, but they also sent a letter to President Biden deeming these hardworking union members “a threat” to communities in Northern Minnesota. I will continue to support the Line 3 Replacement Project, and those working to complete it this year. This project is key to providing reliable crude oil for consumers across the Midwest, and it will do so while preserving and protecting our many natural treasures.

After six years of review, stakeholder engagement, and local input, it is time to move forward with finishing the pipeline so that America can become more energy independent, and consumers have a safe and reliable energy source.

Back to School Toolkit

Education is the cornerstone of our children’s future – and the disruption in traditional learning Minnesota students experienced this past year has created roadblocks to progress.

I am glad to see most of our schools reopening and returning to normal. However, I understand the burden this puts on our educators to keep our students safe. That is why I re-introduced the Safe Teachers Assistance and Return To School (STARTS) Act to assist teachers and administrators who have returned to the workplace for in-person teaching. As the father of seven, I know just how important in-person learning is for students.


Giving our teachers the tools and resources they need to create a safe learning environment is paramount. This legislation will help reduce the financial burden of any out-of-pocket purchases they make. Read more about this legislation here.

My office is always available to assist with issues and concerns of parents throughout the Sixth District. Please contact us if you are in need of assistance.

As you send your kids back to school, we have put together a toolkit of resources for you:

  • Read and know your parental rights here.
  • Read the Minnesota Department of Education’s Middle School Guide here.
  • Read the Minnesota Department of Education’s High School Guide here.
  • Learn about Career and Technical Education Programs here.
  • Learn about after school and out-of-school programs here.
  • Learn about Minnesota Resource Center Libraries here.  
  • Resources for military families can be found here.

Until next week, if you are in need of assistance or would like to share your thoughts with me, please write me an e-mail here.

To keep up with what we’re doing in Washington, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!


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