News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

This week, we return to Washington under very different circumstances from when we left two weeks ago. Foremost, we continue to mourn the loss of our good friend and colleague, Representative Jim Hagedorn, who passed away late last month. I am also carefully monitoring Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. You can read my statement from last week on Putin’s unwarranted invasion, here.

Amid the sad and concerning events of the recent weeks, we are preparing for tonight’s State of the Union address where President Biden will hopefully lay out a plan to restore American energy and economic security, address the crime wave that continues to sweep across our country, and secure our border.

Read on for what I’m working on this week…

Honoring my friend, Jim

Yesterday marked the first day of votes since my good friend, Representative Jim Hagedorn, passed away. For Jim, serving the community he loved was an enormous privilege. I never saw him happier than when he was on the House Floor, fulfilling his lifelong dream of representing the First District.

It’s fitting that we had the opportunity to pay tribute to Jim at the same podium he used in his time here in the House. My colleagues in the Minnesota delegation joined me to share some memories of our time with Jim and honor his legacy both in Congress and in his home state of Minnesota.

Watch Congressman Emmer honor Representative Jim Hagedorn above. 

I’m going to miss Jim’s sense of humor, his kindness, and his friendship. Yesterday's memorial was bittersweet, but I’m grateful to have the chance to honor his legacy in the chamber that meant so much to him.

Tonight’s State of the Union

This evening, President Biden will come to Congress to deliver his State of the Union address to the American people. Between the conflict in Ukraine, historically high prices on gas and other household essentials, carjackings and homicides on the rise in cities around the country, and hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing our southern border, our nation is in need of strong leadership.

Watch Congressman Emmer's State of the Union message above. 

Which issue are you most interested in having President Biden address in his speech tonight?

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Meeting with Minnesota’s Truckers

Supply chain concerns over the past year have demonstrated just how essential our truck drivers are to every part of our economy. Individual drivers make a pivotal difference on whether entire communities can find stocked shelves at their grocery stores, whether farmers can sell their crop or livestock, or whether Main Street businesses can sell their goods and keep pace with demand.


Ensuring Minnesota’s truck drivers have the support they need is a priority. While I was back in the district, I had the chance to meet with members of the Minnesota Trucking Association at Long Haul Trucking in Albertville.

ImageCongressman Emmer meets with members of the Minnesota Trucking Association

I always enjoy hearing directly from the people who are so instrumental in keeping our economy moving. Unsurprisingly, we share many of the same goals: improving road safety, encouraging workforce development and meeting the supply chain needs of Minnesotans chief among them. I was grateful to have this time with our truckers, and will continue to fight for these priorities here in the House.

Until next week, if you are in need of assistance or would like to share your thoughts with me, please write me an e-mail here.

To keep up with what we’re doing in Washington, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!



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