News from Representative Tom Emmer

Dear Friend,

Congress may be in recess this week, but there is still much to watch on Capitol Hill—especially with last night’s news coming out of the Supreme Court. Setting aside how damaging a leak of this proportion is to the Court, we must remember that this news is not a final decision. Like many Americans, I’ll be keeping a close eye on how this case develops.

In other news, Democrats are continuing to push for increased COVID relief funding, but are also advocating for the end of Title 42. This provision, which President Biden is planning to lift on May 23, would release a flood of migrants into the country. While the repeal has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge, we must continue the fight against lawlessness at our southern border.

You may have also heard about President Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board.” There is no question that this proposal is an alarming step towards censorship, and we will take action. Keep an eye on my social media to hear more.

As always, read on for how I’ll be spending my time away from Washington…

American Economy Shrinks 1.4%

This week marked another worrying milestone for the Biden Administration. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, America's GDP decreased at an annual rate of 1.4% in the first quarter of 2022.  


Our economy contracting should come as no surprise: it is the natural response to skyrocketing prices. Inflation is at an over forty-year high, and since President Biden took office, real wages have decreased 3%. Not only are prices at their highest levels in decades, but our paychecks aren’t keeping pace.

We know the culprit for this chilling effect on our economy: out-of-control government spending and foreign dependence on essential resources like gas and fertilizer. We’re working in Congress to increase American resource dependence and stem our federal spending spree; you can read more about our work on that here.

Demanding Accountability for COVID Spending

As mask mandates are suspended and case numbers decline across America, it may be surprising that Congress is continuing to debate increased COVID funding—especially since about $800 billion in previous spending sits uncommitted or unspent.


The American people cannot afford a single penny in COVID spending without proper accountability measures. We fought for common-sense oversight on previous spending bills, but faced partisan opposition.

Today, I was joined by House Financial Services Ranking Member Patrick McHenry and the rest of my Republican colleagues on the committee to introduce the Emergency Rental Assistance Accountability and Transparency Act. This bill will commit existing funds to improve Inspector General oversight of COVID-related Emergency Rental Assistance Programs.

In 2020 alone, Inspector Generals returned about $16 in savings to taxpayers for every dollar we invested in their budget. This bill will provide much-needed oversight to the billions spent on rental assistance in the so-called American Rescue Plan. You can read more about the Emergency Rental Assistance Accountability and Transparency Act here

Young Women’s Leadership Program

Year after year, our office’s Young Women’s Leadership Program has connected present and future women leaders in the Sixth District. We have begun accepting applications for the 2022 Spring/Summer session, which will include sessions featuring women leaders in law enforcement, trades, and healthcare.


High school age girls in the Sixth District are encouraged to apply. Read more and submit applications here.

Until next week, if you are in need of assistance or would like to share your thoughts with me, please write me an e-mail here.

To keep up with what we’re doing in Washington, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!



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