Dear Friend, 

We’ve been sounding the alarm for months: energy supplies have dwindled to dangerous levels, and it’s just a matter of time before shortages drive prices higher than ever.

High fuel prices have been in the headlines since President Biden took office and took aim at American energy production. We’ve already felt the effects of the Administration’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline and roll back oil and gas leasing: in January, more than 246,000 Minnesotans were behind on their heating bills. After a summer of high gas prices, that number rose to 331,888 Minnesotans in August.

Unfortunately, home heating bills are expected to rise another 27% in the Midwest this winter, or 33% if it’s a colder-than-average season. We’ve been keeping a close eye on looming shortages of diesel fuel in particular. Last week, Mansfield Energy issued an alert about a developing diesel shortage caused by poor pipelines and historically low reserve supplies. Currently, the United States has only 25 days of reserve diesel.

Americans should never be forced to choose between putting food on the table and heating their homes. That is why restoring American energy dominance is a core plank of Republicans’ Commitment to America, and one of our top priorities for the 118th Congress. Maximizing our supply of reliable, clean energy produced, refined, and shipped across the United States will reduce our reliance on foreign rivals, restock our energy reserves and bring down prices across the board.

We can and must fix this energy crisis, and the answer is right here at home.





