
Dear Friend, 

After a long week of votes in Washington, D.C., we were excited to have the chance to participate in some outstanding events and meetings back home in the Sixth Congressional District.

ImageCongressman Tom Emmer and Chanhassen Mayor Elise Ryan

We had the opportunity to sit down with Chanhassen Mayor Elise Ryan to discuss the ongoing challenges our constituents are facing with delayed mail service from the United States Postal Service (USPS). The lengthy delays being reported by Sixth District residents are unacceptable and have real impacts on the lives and livelihoods of the people in Chanhassen and throughout our communities.

Minnesotans depend on regular, reliable service from the USPS. We were grateful to meet with Mayor Ryan to discuss this important issue and the solutions we are pursuing in the House of Representatives to address it.

ImageImageCongressman Emmer Tours Advanced Volumetric Alliance (AVA)

I also recently had the opportunity to tour the new Advanced Volumetric Alliance manufacturing facility in Albertville. AVA designs, engineers, and manufactures full volumetric modular units, focusing on multi-family and senior living and the hospitality industry. Volumetric construction involves the joining of factory-finished modules to form a complete building, such as an apartment complex.

AVA’s new, fully-indoor facility allows them to continue to manufacture high-quality modules year-round, even when our Minnesota winters make outdoor construction difficult. While there, I had the chance to speak with some of their dedicated staff about the importance of manufacturing in our state. You can hear more about our work to support manufacturing in Minnesota here.

ImageCongressman Emmer speaks to students while touring St. Michael-Albertville High School

We were also fortunate to receive a tour of St. Michael-Albertville High School with Dr. Ann-Marie Foucault, Superintendent of St. Michael-Albertville Schools. While there, we had the chance to see their adapted sports programs for athletes with disabilities. St Michael-Albertville offers numerous adaptive sports opportunities, including adaptive soccer, floor hockey, bowling and softball for disabled students, allowing everyone the chance to learn and grow while participating in athletics.

We also had the chance to learn more about their exciting Technology Education and Engineering curriculum. These programs allow students to receive technical school credits, in multiple different disciplines, while working towards their high school diploma. Thank you to Dr. Foucault, students and faculty at St. Michael-Albertville for taking the time to show us around!

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