Dear Friend, 

We are past the tipping point.

The time when distance insulated us from the flood of migrants at the southern border is long gone. Open-border policies have already made life in Minnesota more dangerous. In the last year alone, the DEA seized more than 417,000 fentanyl pills in Minnesota, a 127 percent increase from 2022. This means more lives stolen to overdose and addiction, with fentanyl now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.

And the Biden administration couldn’t care less.

WATCH: Congressman Emmer discusses the Mayorkas impeachment at this morning's leadership stakeout 

The same fentanyl that is killing Minnesotans starts as precursor chemicals in China, which are smuggled across our wide-open borders and processed into pills and cut into other drugs. In Minnesota, those drugs have been distributed by rings of gang members in crime-ridden DFL cities like Minneapolis.

Liberal policies are enabling these open-border policies, and the Biden administration needs to be held responsible. Today, the House continued its work to hold Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas accountable by marking up two articles of impeachment against him.

Secretary Mayorkas has abdicated his duty and gone back on his oath to serve the American people. As our effort continues, we will keep you informed on our work to secure the border and keep our country safe.






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