
Dear Friend,

Thank you for reading! It has been a busy week in Washington, D.C., and I want to keep you up to date on some of the latest news. As always, if there is ever anything I can do to help, please get in touch. My contact information is at the bottom of this message. Thank you for the honor of representing you!

Michelle Fischbach
Member of Congress

Defending the Second Amendment

The House of Representatives passed two Democrat-led gun control bills this week, both of which I vehemently opposed. I am against any attempt to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, and that’s exactly what these bills do. The legislation criminalizes the private transfer of firearms and makes it nearly impossible for law-abiding gun owners to acquire, or even borrow or lend, a firearm. The legislation also gives the federal government the ability to delay a firearm transfer indefinitely without any proof that the person is ineligible to possess a firearm.

The legislation will not stop criminals from getting guns, but it does undermine the ability of my constituents to exercise their Second Amendment rights.


Click on the image above to watch my remarks on the House floor

COVID-19 "Relief"

The House of Representatives also passed – on a party-line vote – the Democrats’ COVID-19 “relief” bill, as amended by the U.S. Senate, and sent it to the president’s desk. Relief should be temporary and targeted to those who need it. That’s why I continue to oppose this $1.9 trillion barrel of pork, of which only a small fraction is for actual relief.

This was never about COVID-19; this has always been about advancing a far-left agenda. The bill includes millions for Planned Parenthood, billions for Amtrak, funding for “environmental justice,” and millions to pay federal employees to stay home. This does nothing to help struggling small businesses or bring kids back to the classroom.


Another bill that passed the House of Representatives this week is the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021, also known as the “PRO Act.”

I voted against this monumental rewrite of federal labor law. There must be a balance between a union’s right to organize and an employer’s ability to respond, but this bill leaves employers – many of which are small businesses – to absorb the extra costs and navigate the vague legal standards.

Minnesota has a proud history of supporting organized labor, and I support the right of employees to collectively bargain. However, this bill is a misguided, unbalanced approach that could permanently alter the job market, force more workers into one-size-fits-all union contracts, and threaten the constitutional rights of American employees and employers.


A virtual meeting with constituents from the Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers


A virtual meeting with Minnesota mayors and city councilmembers

In the News

The Week Ahead

Next week, the House of Representatives will be in session. We are expected to consider:

  • Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act
  • Equal Rights Amendment legislation
  • Extending the Paycheck Protection Program

Connect on Social Media

As always, I invite you to stay up to date on the latest from my congressional office by following me on social media. You will find photos from constituent meetings, updates on pending legislation, information regarding special events in the district, and much more.

You can also find more information on my official website:
