
June 28, 2021
Dear Friend:
I hope your summer is off to a great start! I am back at the Capitol for another week of votes, committee hearings, and constituent meetings. Next week, I will be back in the district.
As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help.

Michelle Fischbach
Member of Congress |
National Dairy Month
During National Dairy Month, please join me in honoring our hardworking dairy farmers and recognizing the critical role dairy plays in our agricultural economy. They have a 24/7/365 job, and dairy farm families pride themselves on producing nutritional foods that help our kids grow up strong and healthy. We "raise a glass" to the farmers and workers throughout the supply chain whose continued work ensures access to nutritious, affordable, and delicious dairy. I am committed to standing up for our dairy farmers in Congress, and will continue to do all I can to ensure a strong and rewarding industry for decades to come.
Happy National Dairy Month! |
No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion
Since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has protected American taxpayers from being complicit in the atrocity that is abortion on-demand—until now, as Democrats want to eliminate those protections altogether. Last week, I delivered remarks on the floor of the House urging my colleagues to pass the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
Click here to watch my remarks
Congressional Pro-Life Caucus
It is an honor to be named a co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. I'm proud to join so many of my colleagues in defense of the fundamental right to life. As an American, as a Minnesotan, and as a mother and grandmother, the issue of life is personal to me. Life is sacred, and it's worth fighting for and protecting. |
Art Competition Winners
Congratulations to the winner of this year's Congressional Art Competition, Vy Pham, a senior at Hillcrest Lutheran Academy in Fergus Falls. Her submission, ‘March for Life,' will be displayed for one year in the tunnel from the U.S. Capitol to the Cannon House Office Building, where it will be viewed by thousands of visitors, tourists, staff, and Members of Congress.

First Place: ‘March for Life’ by Vy Pham
Cora Watson, a sophomore at Central Minnesota Christian School in Prinsburg, earned second place for her ‘Jersey Cow’ scratch board portrait. It will be displayed in my Washington, D.C. office.

Second Place: ‘Jersey Cow’ by Cora Watson
Ashlyn Brouwer, a freshman at Central Minnesota Christian School, and Katelyn Graves, a senior at Central Minnesota Christian School, received honorable mentions. Their respective submissions will be displayed in my district offices in Willmar and Moorhead.

Honorable Mention:
‘Blue Butterfly’ by Ashlyn Brouwer

Honorable Mention:
‘Red Panda’ by Katelyn Graves
Subcommittee Hearing on Rural America
I participated in my first hearing as Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit, where we discussed "Examining Opportunities for Growth and Investment in Rural America." Whether it’s a lack of broadband connectivity, limited access to capital, workforce shortages, aging infrastructure, or diminished access to health care services, the needs in rural America are many. If we can address those needs together, we will all benefit.
The hearing included two witnesses from Minnesota’s Seventh Congressional District. Mr. Kent Mattson, the CEO of Lake Region Healthcare in Fergus Falls, testified on behalf of the Minnesota Hospital Association and Mr. Bob Fox, member of the Renville County Board of Commissioners, testified on behalf of the National Association of Counties. I’m grateful that Kent and Bob were able to join us to share their perspectives.

Other Notes
- I co-sponsored a resolution to protect the intellectual property of COVID-19 vaccines. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed, the United States led the world in developing safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines in record time. As a direct result of that American ingenuity, the U.S. is well on its way to recovery and able to lead the effort to deliver vaccines around the world. Waiving intellectual property rights for these vaccines will not only upend our ongoing response, it will also discourage the innovation and investment required to develop such lifesaving treatments in the future.
- President Trump reversed the harmful Obama-era "Waters of the U.S." rule because it was a massive federal land grab that came at the expense of American farmers and landowners. Now, the Biden Administration wants to bring the rule back—again threatening the livelihoods of rural Americans. That's why I'm a proud co-sponsor of a resolution to uphold President Trump's Navigable Waters Protection Rule. We should be partnering with farmers and landowners in support of clean water—not actively working against them.
- As a member of the House Biofuels Caucus, I joined a letter requesting that President Biden publicly affirm his administration will not undermine the Renewable Fuel Standard. It is unacceptable that the Biden Administration would push for “green energy” while leaving out the homegrown, sustainable fuel produced by Minnesota farmers. These proposals have been discussed before. They were wrong then, and they’re wrong now.
Coming Up
This week, the House of Representatives will be in regular session until Thursday, where we will meet for committee hearings and to consider legislation.
- Monday: Committee on Rules hearing
- Tuesday: Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties hearing; Committee on Rules hearing
- Wednesday: Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research hearing; Committee on the Judiciary hearing
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