
November 21, 2021

Dear Friend:


Yet another busy week in D.C.! I participated in a Judiciary Committee Hearing on sexual harassment arbitration, and then a mark-up dealing with a bill on the issue. I met with so many great groups including the Values Action Team, the National Biodiesel Board, the National Barley Growers Association, the Boys and Girls Club, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council.


I also introduced the S.T.O.P the G.R.I.N.C.H. Act, along with Senator Mike Lee from Utah. Empty shelves and backlogged ports have wreaked havoc on American businesses and families over recent months. Inflation is at a 30-year high making holiday purchases and everyday necessities harder for Minnesota families to buy. This bill would ease supply-chain tensions, by streamlining or suspending certain federal regulations, specifically targeting needs in ports, shipping, and trucking.


Of course, the big news out of D.C. this week is that the Democrats’ $1.7 trillion social spending bill narrowly passed the House of Representatives. The spending in this bill will exacerbate already record-high inflation. It will increase tax audits on small businesses. It provides amnesty and payouts to illegal immigrants. It does not have Hyde Amendment protections included anywhere, directly acting against the of millions of Americans who do not want their tax dollars to fund abortions. And, the tax cuts in this bill will overwhelmingly favor the very wealthy, while middle-income households are likely to see an increase in their taxes. This bill is not what the country needs now and it proves how little regard Democrats in Washington have for the American people.




This Week in Ag

The House Agricultural Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit (CEEC), of which I'm the Ranking Member, held a hearing on the renewable economy in rural America. I had the opportunity to ask panelists about economic impacts of the biofuel industry, the economic and environmental benefits of the U.S. bioeconomy, and bioproducts. You can watch my opening statement here.

Interview with "At the Table" by Medical Alley

Medical Alley invited me to be a part of their latest episode of their podcast, "At the Table". Jessica and I had a nice conversation about my time in office so far, and about some of the serious challenges facing rural Minnesota like the need for strong communities, rural broadband for increased telemedicine capabilities, and ways to address workforce shortages. You can listen to the whole interview here.

Small Business Week Awards 2022

The U.S. Small Business Administration is now accepting nominations for the 2022 National Small Business Week (NSBW) Awards. These awards recognize achievements of SBA-assisted small businesses and the contributions they have made to their communities and our nation's economy. You can nominate for any of the following categories:

  • Small Business Person of the Year
  • Small Business Exporter of the Year
  • Phoenix Awards for Disaster Recovery (and all awards in this category)
  • Federal Procurement Awards (and all awards in this category)
  • Awards to SBA Resource Partners (and all awards in this category)
  • Small Business Investment Company of the Year

For more information, and to make a nomination, please visit the SBA website. Nominations can be submitted electronically by January 11, 2022 and awards will be presented during the NSBW Awards Ceremony in the first week of May 2022. For more information on SBA assistance, click here.




Thank you Howard Olson and Randy Aberle from AgCountry for coming to testify at the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit (CEEC) hearing on the renewable economy in rural America.


We were lucky to have Minnesota Ag and Rural Leadership in town this week for a great meeting on important issues like broadband access, keeping the FARM in the Farm Bill, and drought recovery.

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Students from The Southwest MN Christian School came to visit with me on their trip to Washington, DC!

Coming Up

This week, I'm back in the District for Thanksgiving! I'll have a couple events, but mostly I look forward to spending quality time with my family, and I hope you all are able to do the same.


As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help.


Happy Thanksgiving!








Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


