
January 10, 2022

Dear Friend:


I hope you had a wonderful holiday spent with loved ones. I certainly did.


Last week, I celebrated one year of representing Minnesota's 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. I'm eager to tackle anything my second year may have in store.


This week I'm back in D.C. Among other things, I'll be participating in an Ag Committee hearing on the implications of electric vehicle investments for agriculture and rural America. With temperatures well below freezing throughout the district this week, I am ever more mindful of the implications that coastal politicians imposing an all-electric fleet on rural Minnesota will have on our way of life. What may work for San Francisco does not necessarily work for Roseau. I will be focusing on this issue during the hearing and invite you to tune in.



In The News

Over the weekend, I joined Blois Olson on his show, The Sunday Take. In case you missed it, you can listen to the interview here at minute 27.

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Yesterday was National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. I want to thank law enforcement and their families for their service and their sacrifice to protect this nation.

I am a proud cosponsor of the Protect and Serve Act, which would impose a punishment of between 10 years to a life sentence for anyone who knowingly assaults a police officer. These charges would only be filed if the U.S. Attorney General can certify that the Federal government has jurisdiction, the sentence at the State level "left demonstratively not vindicated the Federal interest in public safety", or a Federal prosecution is in the public interest and necessary to "secure substantial justice".

Virtual Capitol Tours

While in-person tours are still suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions, you can now join online live virtual tours of the U.S. Capitol! Capitol Visitor Center Guides will present information normally delivered during in-person guided tours that has been tailored for online audiences. Participants will view images from the tour route while a Visitor Guide narrates the experience. You will be able to see the Crypt, the Rotunda, and Sanctuary Hall and ask your guide questions using a chat feature. Tours will run about 30 minutes with 15 minutes for Q & A. Tours are designed for all age groups.

Tours are available Monday - Friday at 9:00 AM EST, 11:00 AM EST, 1:00 PM EST, and 3:00 PM EST.

Click here to make a reservation through the Capitol Visitor Center.

Small Business Week Awards 2022

The U.S. Small Business Administration is now accepting nominations for the 2022 National Small Business Week (NSBW) Awards. These awards recognize achievements of SBA-assisted small businesses and the contributions they have made to their communities and our nation's economy. You can nominate for any of the following categories:

  • Small Business Person of the Year
  • Small Business Exporter of the Year
  • Phoenix Awards for Disaster Recovery (and all awards in this category)
  • Federal Procurement Awards (and all awards in this category)
  • Awards to SBA Resource Partners (and all awards in this category)
  • Small Business Investment Company of the Year

For more information, and to make a nomination, please visit the SBA website. Nominations can be submitted electronically by January 11, 2022 and awards will be presented during the NSBW Awards Ceremony in the first week of May 2022. For more information on SBA assistance, click here.

iSSNRC Now Available in Minnesota

Internet Social Security Number Replacement Cards (iSSNRC) are now available for Minnesotans! U.S. citizens age 18 or older and who are residents of Minnesota can request a replacement SSN card online by creating a my Social Security account. They must have a U.S. domestic mailing address, not require a change to their record (such as a name change), and have a valid driver's license.


For more questions, and to submit a request, please visit the Social Security Administration website.




As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!








Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


