August 4, 2023
Dear Friend:
This week, I invited my colleagues from Washington to come out to Farmfest to hear directly from 7th District producers in a Farm Bill listening session. I was joined by Reps. Brad Finstad (MN-01), Pete Stauber, (MN-08), Angie Craig (MN-02), Randy Feenstra (IA-04), Max Miller (OH-07), Majority Whip Tom Emmer (MN-06), and special guest House Agricultural Committee Chair GT Thompson (PA-15). It is vital that Congress hears from the American people about where we can help, and where it's best for us to step out of the way. The Minnesota ag community shared their priorities on what they think of the current Farm Bill and how Congress can improve on it this year, and my colleagues and I are excited to take their ideas back to D.C.
After the listening session, we got to walk around the grounds and catch up with producers directly. Thank you to everyone we met with for your hospitality to our out of state guests and for sharing your input with us. I assure you that the next Farm Bill will be made by farmers and for farmers.