September 25, 2023
Dear Friend:
The spending in Washington, and especially from the Biden Administration over the last few years, is hurting families across Minnesota's 7th District and across this entire country. Inflation has skyrocketed while wages have fallen, forcing people to make hard decisions about where to spend their money.
It is time for Congress to do the same.
It is time for us to get serious about getting our fiscal house in order for the sake of generations figuring out how they are going put food on the table, generations figuring out how they are going to retire, and for the sake of the generations to come.
Somehow, despite ample evidence to the contrary, some of my colleagues still think that we can somehow spend our way out of debt. With Republicans in the Majority, it is our opportunity and responsibility to make a change. The House Budget Committee has introduced a budget that gives us a roadmap to reverse Washington's spending curse. House Republicans are committed to getting serious, honest, and realistic about where we can and need to cut spending to balance this country's budget and work our way out of debt. You can watch my full remarks during the Committee markup here.
