
November 17, 2023

Dear Friend:


This week, the Ways and Means Committee held a hearing on the nexus between terror financing, tax-exempt charities, and anti-Semitism. We heard from:

  • Talia Dror, a Cornell student and Vice President of Finance for Cornellians for Israel
  • Adam Lehman, President and CEO of Hillel International
  • Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President of Research for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
  • Noa Tishby, an actress, best selling author, and Israel's Former Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism
  • Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League

In the wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel and the war of self-defense that followed, we have seen a shocking and horrifying rise in anti-Semitism around the world. I'm sure you have seen the footage coming out of major cities and "top tier" universities. There are student groups on these campuses, like Students for Justice in Palestine, that have been built up over the years and have been a source of harassment and even violence against Jewish students. Ms. Dror, one of our witnesses in this hearing, spent her whole life working towards attending Cornell, putting every bit of energy and financing she and her family had to go to a prestigious school, only to be intimidated on campus and terrified that her apartment would be a target of a hate crime, receiving no support from the university itself.


Unfortunately, this hatred extends even further than dangerously misguided college students. There are tax-exempt charities operating in this country that provide support and potentially financing for Hamas and Hamas-affiliated groups. These organizations that support terrorism must have their tax-exempt status removed.


You can watch the full Committee hearing here.



Two-Step Continuing Resolution

This week, the U.S. government passed a two-step continuing resolution, or CR. This bill will fund a portion of the government until January 19, and the rest of the government through February 2. While this process will avoid a chaotic omnibus spending package at the end of the year, it did not accomplish one of the primary goals this Congress has set out to do: reduce government spending. This CR did not reduce spending to previously agreed levels in the Fiscal Responsibility Act, let alone go far enough to seriously address our $33.6 trillion debt. I also do not believe we should wait to reauthorize the Farm Bill until next September. I decided to vote against this bill. I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass the remaining government funding bills and get this country's financial house in order.



Now Accepting Spring Internship Applications!

My office is now accepting Spring internship applications for my Willmar, Moorhead, and D.C. offices! If you are interested in first-hand knowledge of how federal legislation works or know someone who is, please visit my website!


Open Enrollment Season

Remember to enroll, change, or renew you and your family's health insurance by December 15 if you want to have your coverage at the start of the new year! For assistance, please visit


Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great weekend!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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