
January 14, 2024

Dear Friend:


I hope you enjoyed your holidays. I was so happy to spend time with my family and loved ones, and to visit a number of small businesses and organizations across the 7th District. 


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In Morris, State Rep. Paul Anderson and I visited Superior Industries (left) and Westmor Industries (right) and toured each of the facilities. Both are excellent examples of the kind of industry capabilities we have in the 7th District.


I met with Breckenridge city council members and city staff. We discussed taxes, potential energy shortages, over-regulation for companies, and workforce shortages. I look forward to bringing their ideas back to my colleagues to continue strengthening and maintaining rural communities.

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I met with Park Rapids Mayor Leckner, city staff, and council members (left) as well as the Park Rapids Chamber of Commerce(right). These sorts of meetings are fun for the same reason they're informative: I get to see first-hand how all the various businesses work together and discuss with them directly how the federal government can stand with them and not hinder their hard work.


State Sen. Jordan Rasmusson, and State Rep. Tom Murphy joined me on a tour of Swanston Equipment in Fergus Falls. We met Molly Swanston, the owner, several staff, and learned more about what the dealership offers the community. Among many things, we discussed the impact of government regulations on dealerships like theirs.


Protecting Pregnancy Care Centers

This past week, I introduced the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Actwhich prohibits restrictions on the use of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds towards pregnancy centers. For some background, TANF provides $16.5 billion in federal funding to states for direct cash assistance and non-assistance activities for needy families. Last fall, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a proposed rule to amend regulations in the TANF program that could be interpreted to restrict states from using TANF dollars for pregnancy centers. 


I have been to countless pregnancy centers in my lifetime. They offer a wide variety of services and support for expectant mothers, fathers, and their families. Women who face an unexpected pregnancy should be able to safely go into a facility that is not going to push abortion on them and instead provide them with the education and support they need. This proposed rule is one more example of this Administration's anti-women, pro-abortion agenda. Make no mistake, conservatives are here for unborn children and their mothers and we want to ensure an expectant mother is empowered to raise her family. 



You can watch my opening remarks during the House Ways and Means Committee Markup of the bill here.



Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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